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Vers une conception centrée sur l'utilisateur ayant un profil évolutif - Une étude de cas avec des personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson - Towards a user-centered design with an evolving profile - A case study with people with Parkinson's disease.00.342021
Towards a Roadmap for the Internet of Things Software Systems Engineering.00.342020
Practices to Define Software Measurements.00.342020
What About Catalogs of Non-Functional Requirements?00.342020
Investigating Agreement Among HCI Researchers About Human–Computer Interaction in CMMI-DEV Model: A Case Study00.342020
A framework to support the engineering of internet of things software systems.00.342019
A conceptual perspective on interoperability in context-aware software systems.10.382019
AQUArIUM - A suite of software measures for HCI quality evaluation of ubiquitous mobile applications.40.422018
Towards a catalog of conflicts for HCI quality characteristics in UbiComp and IoT applications: Process and first results.00.342018
Identifying HCI approaches to support CMMI-DEV for interactive system development.20.372018
Supporting Interactive System Development Following MR-MPS-SW with HCI Approaches00.342018
On challenges in engineering IoT software systems.20.382018
Correlations between invisibility and usability in ubicomp and IoT applications: partial results.00.342018
HCI in practice: An empirical study with software process capability maturity model consultants in Brazil00.342018
Catalog of Invisibility Requirements for UbiComp and IoT Applications00.342018
Quality characteristics and measures for human–computer interaction evaluation in ubiquitous systems60.452017
Test case design for context-aware applications30.412017
Rethinking Interoperability in Contemporary Software Systems.00.342017
Evaluating An Iot Application Using Software Measures30.372017
A study about HCI in practice of interactive system development using CMMI-DEV.00.342017
The use of task modeling in interactive system specification.10.342017
What Changes From Ubiquitous Computing To Internet Of Things In Interaction Evaluation?60.422017
Software Testing Process in a Test Factory - From Ad hoc Activities to an Organizational Standard.00.342017
Characterizing Interoperability in Context-Aware Software Systems.00.342016
HCI engineering integrated with capability maturity models: A study focused on requirements development.40.472016
Integration Of Subjective And Objective Usability Evaluation Based On Iec/Iec 15939: A Case Study For Traffic Supervision Systems00.342016
Verification and validation of interactive systems in the CMMI-DEV capability maturity model.00.342016
Teaching task analysis for user interface design: lessons learned from three pilot studies.10.352015
A Knowledge-based Environment for Software Process Performance Analysis.00.342015
Using the GQM Method to Evaluate Calmness in Ubiquitous Applications70.582015
HCI engineering integrated with capability and maturity models.40.492015
Predictive usability evaluation: aligning HCI and software engineering practices10.392014
Towards Qualitative and Quantitative Data Integration Approach for Enhancing HCI Quality Evaluation.10.382014
Towards Indicators for HCI Quality Evaluation Support.10.392014
Towards quality indicators for supporting the evaluation of interactive systems HCI00.342014
Challenges for usability testing in ubiquitous systems.40.412014
Qualité des modèles : retour d'expériences.00.342014
Supporting software process performance analysis through a knowledge-based environment.30.452014
Towards ergonomic user interface composition: a study about information density criterion20.372013
Transportation ontology definition and application for the content personalization of user interfaces271.442013
Towards a strategy for analysing benefits of Software Process Improvement programs.00.342013
Limites de l’évaluation d’un Système d’Information : une analyse fondée sur l’expérience pratique .00.342012
Definindo uma abordagem para inspeção de usabilidade em modelos de projeto por meio de experimentação20.392012
Evaluation des SI ; Besoins en méthodes et outils provenant de l’ergonomie et de l’IHM .00.342012
A model driven architecture approach for user interface generation focused on content personalization80.542011
Interaction in mobility: the evaluation of interactive systems used by travellers in transportation contexts20.572011
Foundations of a model driven engineering approach for human-computer interface focused on content personalization.00.342010
OWL-SOA: A service oriented architecture ontology useful during development time and independent from implementation technology00.342010
New research challenges for user interface quality evaluation10.372010
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