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Two-echelon vehicle routing problems: A literature review00.342023
Self-adaptive randomized constructive heuristics for the multi-item capacitated lot sizing problem00.342022
Rolling horizon-based heuristics for solving a production-routing problem with price-dependent demand00.342022
The pickup and delivery problem with alternative locations and overlapping time windows00.342022
The Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Road-Network Information.00.342021
Multi-modal transport of perishable products with demand uncertainty and empty repositioning: A scenario-based rolling horizon framework00.342021
Hybrid evolutionary algorithms and Lagrangian relaxation for multi-period star hub median problem considering financial and service quality issues00.342021
Integrating Autonomous Delivery Service Into A Passenger Transportation System00.342021
A Multi-Commodity Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows: Model Formulations And Solution Approach00.342021
Modeling Complex Business Environments for Context Aware Systems.00.342020
Delivery systems with crowd-sourced drivers: A pickup and delivery problem with transfers.00.342020
An auction for collaborative vehicle routing: models and algorithms00.342020
The Fuel Replenishment Problem: A Split-Delivery Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips00.342020
Cover Inequalities for a Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Shifts00.342019
Gain-sharing in urban consolidation centers00.342019
Branch-and-Price–Based Algorithms for the Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows20.362019
Green Intermodal Freight Transportation: Bi-Objective Modelling And Analysis10.412019
A branch-and-price algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows on a road network20.382019
Special Issue on Recent Advances in Urban Transport and Logistics Through Optimization and Analytics00.342019
A Shortest-Path Algorithm for the Departure Time and Speed Optimization Problem00.342018
Collaborative replenishment in the presence of intermediaries20.392018
Retail operations.00.342018
Stochastic Inventory Routing for Perishable Products10.342018
The Time Window Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem with Time-Dependent Travel Times40.432018
Branch-and-Price for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Scheduled Lines00.342018
The time-dependent capacitated profitable tour problem with time windows and precedence constraints.20.402018
A continuous approximation approach to the planar hub location-routing problem: Modeling and solution algorithms.00.342018
Using cost change estimates in a local search heuristic for the pollution routing problem.10.342017
A metaheuristic for the time-dependent pollution-routing problem.90.472017
An Exact Approach for a Variant of the Pollution-Routing Problem.50.702017
A competitive solution for cooperative truckload delivery110.572016
50th Anniversary Invited Article - City Logistics: Challenges and Opportunities.231.212016
An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and scheduled lines120.552016
The Pickup And Delivery Problem With Time Windows And Scheduled Lines00.342016
An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the share-a-ride problem.90.542016
An approach to the asymmetric multi-depot capacitated arc routing problem.60.412015
A decision support system tool for the transportation by barge of import containers: A case study.00.342015
Self-imposed time windows in vehicle routing problems110.552015
Vehicle routing with soft time windows and stochastic travel times: A column generation and branch-and-price solution approach.441.122014
On characterization of the core of lane covering games via dual solutions.20.392014
The Share-a-Ride Problem: People and parcels sharing taxis.171.212014
Finite Queueing Modeling and Optimization: A Selected Review.10.362014
A Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Time Windows.260.892014
Demand seasonality in retail inventory management.60.462014
Multidepot Distribution Planning at Logistics Service Provider Nabuurs B.V.40.402014
Multimodal freight transportation planning: A literature review.482.102014
Branch and Price for the Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows150.682013
A new model and a hyper-heuristic approach for two-dimensional shelf space allocation.70.532013
Sourcing strategies in supply risk management: An approximate dynamic programming approach.80.532013
Dynamic shortest path problems: Hybrid routing policies considering network disruptions40.452013
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