City University of Hong Kong
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Learning From Web Recipe-Image Pairs for Food Recognition: Problem, Baselines and Performance00.342022
Improving Fault-Localization Accuracy by Referencing Debugging History to Alleviate Structure Bias in Code Suspiciousness00.342020
Cudasmith: A Fuzzer For Cuda Compilers00.342020
Artemis: An Improved Smart Contract Verification Tool for Vulnerability Detection00.342020
A Systematic Study on Factors Impacting GUI Traversal-Based Test Case Generation Techniques for Android Applications00.342019
Apricot - A Weight-Adaptation Approach to Fixing Deep Learning Models.80.502019
Efficient Transaction-Based Deterministic Replay for Multi-threaded Programs.10.352019
Conrs: A Requests Scheduling Framework For Increasing Concurrency Degree Of Server Programs00.342019
AggrePlay - efficient record and replay of multi-threaded programs.30.372019
GBRAD: A General Framework to Evaluate Design Strategies for Hybrid Race Detection00.342018
Fuse: An Architecture for Smart Contract Fuzz Testing Service10.392018
HistLock+: Precise Memory Access Maintenance Without Lockset Comparison for Complete Hybrid Data Race Detection.20.402018
SDA-CLOUD: A Multi-VM Architecture for Adaptive Dynamic Data Race Detection.10.372017
Cross-validation based K nearest neighbor imputation for software quality datasets: An empirical study.10.352017
SimplyDroid: efficient event sequence simplification for Android application.50.412017
Which Factor Impacts GUI Traversal-Based Test Case Generation Technique Most? A Controlled Experiment on Android Applications00.342017
A Case Study on Context Maintenance in Dynamic Hybrid Race Detectors00.342017
An Empirical Analysis of Three-Stage Data-Preprocessing for Analogy-Based Software Effort Estimation on the ISBSG Data30.442017
ASP: Abstraction Subspace Partitioning for Detection of Atomicity Violations with an Empirical Study.10.342016
Message from the SETA Organizing Committee00.342016
To What Extent Is Stress Testing of Android TV Applications Automated in Industrial Environments?30.412016
A Subsumption Hierarchy of Test Case Prioritization for Composite Services.120.492015
Architecturing Dynamic Data Race Detection as a Cloud-Based Service20.392015
PORA: Proportion-Oriented Randomized Algorithm for Test Case Prioritization00.342015
Input-based adaptive randomized test case prioritization: A local beam search approach50.672015
ASN: A Dynamic Barrier-Based Approach to Confirmation of Deadlocks from Warnings for Large-Scale Multithreaded Programs90.492015
Connecting the Average and the Non-Average: A Study of the Rates of Fault Detection in Testing WS-BPEL Services00.342015
Toward a methodology to expose partially fixed concurrency bugs in modified multithreaded programs10.342014
CrowdAdaptor: A Crowd Sourcing Approach toward Adaptive Energy-Efficient Configurations of Virtual Machines Hosting Mobile Applications00.342014
Which compiler optimization options should I use for detecting data races in multithreaded programs?00.342013
Introduction to the Special Issue for the 10th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2010).00.342011
Software testing research in practice: report on the 5th international workshop on the automation of software test00.342010
Leveraging Performance and Power Savings for Embedded Systems Using Multiple Target Deadlines50.442010
Bridging the Gap Between the Theory and Practice of Software Test Automation10.362010
Enhancing adaptive random testing for programs with high dimensional input domains or failure-unrelated parameters100.512008
An Adaptive Service Selection Approach to Service Composition391.762008
Inter-context control-flow and data-flow test adequacy criteria for nesC applications261.002008
Multiplierless approximation of fast dct algorithms00.342006
Work experience versus refactoring to design patterns: a controlled experiment140.922006