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Data-driven decision-making in credit risk management: The information value of analyst reports00.342022
An Update for Taxonomy Designers Methodological Guidance from Information Systems Research00.342022
More than Mobile Banking - A Taxonomy-based Analysis of Mobile Personal Finance Applications.00.342021
Are My Stocks Sustainable? Design Principles for Leveraging Information from Analyst Reports.00.342021
Digital Transformation-Driven Business Model Innovation - Current State and Future Research Directions.00.342021
The Impact of Digital Transformation on Incumbent Firms - An Analysis of Changes, Challenges, and Responses at the Business Model Level.00.342020
Portfolio Rankings on Social Trading Platforms in Uncertain Times.00.342020
Utilizing News Topics for Credit Risk Management: The Explanation of Bank CDS Spreads.00.342020
Towards Automated Analysis of Financial Analyst Communication - the Induction of a Domain-Specific Sentiment Dictionary.00.342020
Detecting Herding Behavior using Topic Mining - the Case of Financial Analysts.00.342018
Explaining and predicting online review helpfulness: The role of content and reviewer-related signals.40.372018
What do FinTechs actually do? A Taxonomy of FinTech Business Models.30.382017
Stock analysts vs. the crowd: Mutual prediction and the drivers of crowd wisdom.30.392016
They Talk but What do they Listen to? Analyzing Financial Analysts' Information Processing using Latent Dirichlet Allocation.00.342016
How to Conquer Information Overload? Supporting Financial Decisions by identifying Relevant Conference Call Topics.00.342016
Herausforderungen bei der Einführung agiler Vorgehensmodelle für Finanzdienstleister - eine Fallstudie.00.342016
Exploring Principles for Corporate Digital Infrastructure Design in the Financial Services Industry.00.342016
Paradoxes and the Nature of Ambidexterity in IT Transformation Programs.130.492015
Stock Analysts Vs. The Crowd: A Study on Mutual Prediction20.382015
Towards the Development of a Taxonomic Theory10.352015
NSA Revelations of Privacy Breaches: Do Investors Care?00.342015
How Data Breaches Ruin Firm Reputation on Social Media! - Insights from a Sentiment-based Event Study.00.342015
Social Media Choice: An Explorative Study on Information Transmission via Social Media20.382014
Users' willingness to pay for web identity management systems.40.452014
Complexity in is Programs: a Delphi Study.20.392014
Drivers of Information quantity: the Case of Merger-Acquisition Events.10.362014
The Economic Impact of Privacy Violations and Security Breaches - A Laboratory Experiment.20.352014
Drivers of Information Quality on Blogs: The Case of Business Events.00.342014
Der ökonomische Einfluss von Privacyverletzungen und Securityvorfällen - Ein Laborexperiment.00.342014
How to Identify Tomorrow's Most Active Social Commerce Contributors? Inviting Starlets to the Reviewer Hall of Fame.70.462013
Assessing Corporate Reputational Damage of Data Breaches: An Empirical Analysis10.392013
A method for taxonomy development and its application in information systems.932.472013
Credence Goods and Online Product Reviews: An Exploration of the Product Type Concept in the Social Commerce Era.00.342013
What Drives the Helpfulness of Online Product Reviews? From Stars to Facts and Emotions.90.502013
Taxonomy Development in Health-IT.00.342013
Measuring IT System Value with Entity-Specific Factors Influencing Process Runtime Efficiency.00.342013
Ambidextrous IS Strategy: The Dynamic Balancing Act of Developing a 'Transform & Merge' Strategy in the Banking Industry.30.372012
The Role of Misbehavior in Efficient Financial Markets: Implications for Financial Decision Support.20.372012
State of the Art of Financial Decision Support Systems based on Problem, Requirement, Component and Evaluation Categories10.352012
How "good" is bad News? Exploring Sentiments of Corporate Disclosures.10.352011
An intraday market risk management approach based on textual analysis552.102011
Theorizing in Design Science Research: Inductive versus Deductive Approaches.40.582011
Softwaretechnik und Anwendung moderner Eingabetechnologien.00.342011
Mobile Emergency Management Services Targeting Large Public Events.00.342011
Discovering Intraday Market Risk Exposures in Unstructured Data Sources: The Case of Corporate Disclosures30.392010
eTourismus und Katastrophenschutz: Neue mobile Mehrwertdienste durch IKTIntegration00.342010
Opacity and Exclusivity in Electronic Securities Trading: The Case of Dark Pools.00.342010
Assessing IT-Supported Securities Trading: A Benchmarking Model and Empirical Analysis.00.342010
Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste im Notfallmanagement (Vorwort)00.342010
Taxonomy Development in Information Systems: A Literature Survey and Problem Statement.50.962010
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