IRIT, University Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
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From Human-Human Computer Mediated Communication to Human-Automation Collaboration in the Light of Large Civil Aircraft Workplace.00.342021
A-RCRAFT - a Generic Framework for Automation Analysis and Design - Application to Automotive, Tactile in vehicle Interactions.00.342020
Task models based engineering of interactive systems00.342020
A Generic Visualization Approach Supporting Task-Based Evaluation of Usability and User Experience.00.342020
A Generic Multimodels-Based Approach for the Analysis of Usability and Security of Authentication Mechanisms.00.342020
Supporting the Analysis of Safety Critical User Interfaces: An Exploration of Three Formal Tools10.362020
Introduction To Automation And To Its Potential For Interactive Systems Design00.342019
Analysing and Demonstrating Tool-Supported Customizable Task Notations00.342019
Deep System Knowledge Required: Revisiting Ucd Contribution In The Design Of Complex Command And Control Systems00.342019
Engineering issues related to the development of a recommender system in a critical context: Application to interactive cockpits.00.342019
Automation: Danger or Opportunity? Designing and Assessing Automation for Interactive Systems.00.342018
Using Task Descriptions with Explicit Representation of Allocation of Functions, Authority and Responsibility to Design and Assess Automation.00.342018
Enriching Task Models with Usability and User Experience Evaluation Data.00.342018
Rationalizing the Need of Architecture-Driven Testing of Interactive Systems.00.342018
A More Intelligent Test Case Generation Approach through Task Models Manipulation20.372017
A List of Pre-Requisites to Make Recommender Systems Deployable in Critical Context.00.342017
QBP Notation for Explicit Representation of Properties, Their Refinement and Their Potential Conflicts: Application to Interactive Systems.00.342017
Task Model-Based Systematic Analysis of Both System Failures and Human Errors50.572016
Engineering mixed-criticality interactive applications.10.362016
Multiple Views on Safety-Critical Automation: Aircrafts, Autonomous Vehicles, Air Traffic Management and Satellite Ground Segments Perspectives.20.422016
Systematic automation of scenario-based testing of user interfaces.70.542016
What Can Be Learnt from Engineering Safety Critical Partly-Autonomous Systems when Engineering Recommender Systems.00.342016
User-Test Results Injection Into Task-Based Design Process For The Assessment And Improvement Of Both Usability And User Experience10.412016
Complementary Tools And Techniques For Supporting Fitness-For-Purpose Of Interactive Critical Systems20.372016
Embedding Explicit Representation Of Cyber-Physical Elements In Task Models00.342016
Designing and Assessing Interactive Systems Using Task Models.20.382015
Concept Maps for Integrating Modeling Techniques for the Analysis and Re-Design of Partly-Autonomous Interactive Systems.20.442015
A Generic Approach for Assessing Compatibility Between Task Descriptions and Interactive Systems: Application to the Effectiveness of a Flight Control Unit.10.372015
A generic tool-supported framework for coupling task models and interactive applications80.552015
Enhanced Task Modelling For Systematic Identification And Explicit Representation Of Human Errors100.602015
Transparent Automation for Assessing and Designing better Interactions between Operators and Partly-Autonomous Interactive Systems.50.512015
Ifip Wg 13.5 Workshop On Resilience, Reliability, Safety And Human Error In System Development00.342015
An Approach for Assessing the Impact of Dependability on Usability: Application to Interactive Cockpits30.422014
Fine Grain Modeling of Task Deviations for Assessing Qualitatively the Impact of Both System Failures and Human Error on Operator Performance20.402014
Bridging the gap between a behavioural formal description technique and a user interface description language: Enhancing ICO with a graphical user interface markup language.30.412014
A multi-formalism approach for model-based dynamic distribution of user interfaces of critical interactive systems130.842014
Multi-models-based engineering of collaborative systems: application to collision avoidance operations for spacecraft90.592014
Rapid Task-Models Development Using Sub-Models, Sub-Routines And Generic Components70.522014
Fault-Tolerant User Interfaces for Critical Systems: Duplication, Redundancy and Diversity as New Dimensions of Distributed User Interfaces10.362014
Tuning an HCI curriculum for master students to address interactive critical systems aspects00.342013
Model-based dynamic distribution of user interfaces of critical interactive systems00.342013
Extending procedural task models by systematic explicit integration of objects, knowledge and information160.762013
Analysis of WIMP and Post WIMP Interactive Systems based on Formal Specification.40.402013
Understanding Functional Resonance through a Federation of Models: Preliminary Findings of an Avionics Case Study10.362013
V&V of lexical, syntactic and semantic properties for interactive systems through model checking of formal description of dialog00.342013
Un processus de développement outillé pour l'exploitation systématique des bénéfices offerts par une conception des systèmes interactifs centrée tâches00.342012
A development process for usable large scale interactive critical systems: application to satellite ground segments80.532012
A design process for exhibiting design choices and trade-offs in (potentially) conflicting user interface guidelines60.502012
Task-model based assessment of automation levels: Application to space ground segments190.872011
A model-based approach for supporting engineering usability evaluation of interaction techniques180.712011
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