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Cruise Itineraries Optimal Scheduling00.342021
A Derivative-Free Optimization Approach For The Autotuning Of A Forex Trading Strategy00.342021
On the convergence of steepest descent methods for multiobjective optimization10.362020
An Active-Set Algorithmic Framework for Non-Convex Optimization Problems over the Simplex.20.382020
An Algorithmic Framework Based On Primitive Directions And Nonmonotone Line Searches For Black-Box Optimization Problems With Integer Variables20.362020
Derivative free methodologies for circuit worst case analysis00.342019
On global minimizers of quadratic functions with cubic regularization00.342019
Trust-Region Methods for the Derivative-Free Optimization of Nonsmooth Black-Box Functions.00.342019
A multi-objective <Emphasis FontCategory="NonProportional" Type="Bold">DIRECT</Emphasis> algorithm for ship hull optimization10.392018
A Two-Stage Active-Set Algorithm for Bound-Constrained Optimization.20.382017
Hybrid Global/Local Derivative-Free Multi-objective Optimization via Deterministic Particle Swarm with Local Linesearch.00.342017
A nonmonotone GRASP00.342016
An application of support vector machines to sales forecasting under promotions.00.342016
A Fast Active Set Block Coordinate Descent Algorithm for ℓ1-Regularized Least Squares.00.342016
A DIRECT-type approach for derivative-free constrained global optimization.10.362016
Exploiting derivative-free local searches in DIRECT-type algorithms for global optimization50.442016
A Feasible Active Set Method with Reoptimization for Convex Quadratic Mixed-Integer Programming90.632016
A derivative-free approach for a simulation-based optimization problem in healthcare.20.392016
A Simulation-Based Multiobjective Optimization Approach for Health Care Service Management.20.352016
A Derivative-Free Approach to Constrained Multiobjective Nonsmooth Optimization.00.342016
Derivative-Free Robust Optimization for Circuit Design40.482015
Derivative-Free Methods for Mixed-Integer Constrained Optimization Problems60.442015
A Derivative-Free Algorithm for Constrained Global Optimization Based on Exact Penalty Functions40.422015
A Linesearch-Based Derivative-Free Approach for Nonsmooth Constrained Optimization.100.472014
A Fast Active Set Block Coordinate Descent Algorithm for $\ell_1$-regularized least squares.100.532014
Combining optimization and machine learning techniques for genome-wide prediction of human cell cycle-regulated genes.10.372014
A New Class of Functions for Measuring Solution Integrality in the Feasibility Pump Approach.10.352013
An exact penalty global optimization approach for mixed-integer programming problems20.392013
An approach to constrained global optimization based on exact penalty functions130.752012
Derivative-free methods for bound constrained mixed-integer optimization120.582012
Continuous Reformulations for Zero-one Programming Problems.00.342012
An active set feasible method for large-scale minimization problems with bound constraints30.402012
Finite-Element-Based Multiobjective Design Optimization Procedure of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors for Wide Constant-Power Region Operation232.242011
Feasibility Pump-like heuristics for mixed integer problems00.342011
A DIRECT-based approach exploiting local minimizations for the solution of large-scale global optimization problems271.122010
A truncated Newton method in an augmented Lagrangian framework for nonlinear programming80.592010
A partition-based global optimization algorithm191.112010
Sequential Penalty Derivative-Free Methods for Nonlinear Constrained Optimization230.822010
A nonmonotone truncated Newton-Krylov method exploiting negative curvature directions, for large scale unconstrained optimization40.482009
A convergent hybrid decomposition algorithm model for SVM training.60.572009
A Derivative-Free Algorithm for Inequality Constrained Nonlinear Programming via Smoothing of an linfty Penalty Function10.402009
A derivative-free algorithm for systems of nonlinear inequalities10.412008
A convergent decomposition algorithm for support vector machines171.492007
A Derivative-Free Algorithm for Linearly Constrained Finite Minimax Problems140.802006
An Algorithm Model for Mixed Variable Programming140.682005
Convergence conditions, line search algorithms and trust region implementations for the Polak-Ribière conjugate gradient method.60.562005
Convergence to Second-Order Stationary Points of a Primal-Dual Algorithm Model for Nonlinear Programming80.552005
Design of induction motors using a mixed-variable approach00.342005
A magnetic resonance device designed via global optimization techniques100.812004
A derivatived-based algorithm for a particular class of mixed variable optimization problems20.382004
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