Department of Computer Architecture and Computer Technology, Facultad de Ciencias, Campus Universitario Fuentenueva s/n, University of Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain
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Recurrent Neural Networks and Efficiency in High-Dimensional EEG Classification.00.342021
A lexicographic cooperative co-evolutionary approach for feature selection00.342021
Performance Study of Ant Colony Optimization for Feature Selection in EEG Classification.00.342021
Opportunistic Activity Recognition In Iot Sensor Ecosystems Via Multimodal Transfer Learning00.342021
Energy-Time Profiling for Machine Learning Methods to EEG Classification.00.342021
Cost-Efficiency of Convolutional Neural Networks for High-Dimensional EEG Classification.00.342020
Empirical Model of Radio Wave Propagation in the Presence of Vegetation inside Greenhouses Using Regularized Regressions.00.342020
A parallel and distributed multi-population GA with asynchronous migrations: energy-time analysis for heterogeneous systems00.342020
Time-energy analysis of multilevel parallelism in heterogeneous clusters: the case of EEG classification in BCI tasks.10.372019
Improving Wearable Activity Recognition via Fusion of Multiple Equally-Sized Data Subwindows.00.342019
Smartphone-Based Platform for Affect Monitoring through Flexibly Managed Experience Sampling Methods.00.342019
Many-Objective Cooperative Co-evolutionary Feature Selection: A Lexicographic Approach.10.372019
SPIRA: an automatic system to support lower limb injury assessment10.372019
A new multi-objective wrapper method for feature selection - Accuracy and stability analysis for BCI.60.442019
Energy-Time Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks Distributed on Heterogeneous Clusters for EEG Classification.00.342019
Energy-aware load balancing of parallel evolutionary algorithms with heavy fitness functions in heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures: Energy-aware load balancing of parallel evolutionary algorithms with heavy fitness functions in heterogeneous CPU-GPU architectures00.342019
A Power-Performance Perspective to Multiobjective Electroencephalogram Feature Selection on Heterogeneous Parallel Platforms.00.342018
Multi-objective feature selection for EEG classification with multi-level parallelism on heterogeneous CPU-GPU clusters.00.342018
Intelligent Monitoring of Affective Factors Underlying Sport Performance by Means of Wearable and Mobile Technology.00.342018
Speedup and Energy Analysis of EEG Classification for BCI Tasks on CPU-GPU Clusters.00.342018
Prediction of energy consumption in a NSGA-II-based evolutionary algorithm.00.342018
Ubiquitous Assessment of the Recovery of Cancer Patients Using Consumer-Level Activity Trackers.00.342018
A Parallel Island Approach to Multiobjective Feature Selection for Brain-Computer Interfaces.20.502017
Power-Performance Evaluation of Parallel Multi-objective EEG Feature Selection on CPU-GPU Platforms.10.372017
Automatic 2D Motion Capture System for Joint Angle Measurement.10.402017
A Classification System to Assess Low Back Muscle Endurance and Activity Using mHealth Technologies.00.342017
Parallel high-dimensional multi-objective feature selection for EEG classification with dynamic workload balancing on CPU–GPU architectures30.442017
Issues on GPU Parallel Implementation of Evolutionary High-Dimensional Multi-objective Feature Selection.20.402017
Assessing Parallel Heterogeneous Computer Architectures for Multiobjective Feature Selection on EEG Classification.50.502016
First Approach to Automatic Performance Status Evaluation and Physical Activity Recognition in Cancer Patients00.342016
Improving Memory Accesses for Heterogeneous Parallel Multi-objective Feature Selection on EEG Classification.00.342016
Multi-sensor Fusion Based on Asymmetric Decision Weighting for Robust Activity Recognition70.482015
Multiwindow Fusion for Wearable Activity Recognition.50.412015
mDurance: A Novel Mobile Health System to Support Trunk Endurance Assessment60.712015
On the Development of a Real-Time Multi-sensor Activity Recognition System.00.342015
Facilitating trunk endurance assessment by means of mobile health technologies10.382015
mHealthDroid: A Novel Framework for Agile Development of Mobile Health Applications.471.912014
Evaluating The Effects Of Signal Segmentation On Activity Recognition20.392014
Dealing with the effects of sensor displacement in wearable activity recognition.311.062014
Window size impact in human activity recognition.712.102014
Physiodroid: An App For Physiological Data Monitoring10.372013
Activity recognition based on a multi-sensor meta-classifier70.452013
The Use of Video-Gaming Devices as a Motivation for Learning Embedded Systems Programming00.342013
Human activity recognition based on a sensor weighting hierarchical classifier281.242013
Handling Displacement Effects in On-Body Sensor-Based Activity Recognition.10.352013
Daily living activity recognition based on statistical feature quality group selection471.492012
Detection of (in)activity periods in human body motion using inertial sensors: a comparative study.151.062012
A benchmark dataset to evaluate sensor displacement in activity recognition230.922012
On the use of sensor fusion to reduce the impact of rotational and additive noise in human activity recognition.250.892012
Automatic recognition of daily living activities based on a hierarchical classifier10.392011
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