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Detecting Hardcoded Login Information from User Input00.342022
Improvement of Legitimate Mail Server Detection Method using Sender Authentication00.342021
Acquisition of Cooperative Behavior in a Soccer Task Using Reward Shaping00.342021
Semantic Diversity: Privacy Considering Distance Between Values of Sensitive Attribute00.342020
Adaptation Plan Policy in Traffic Routing for Priority Vehicle00.342020
A Defense Method against Poisoning Attacks on IoT Machine Learning Using Poisonous Data00.342020
Knowledge Graph Completion to Solve University Campus Issues.00.342020
Generating Cooking Recipes from Cooking Videos Using Deep Learning Considering Previous Process with Video Encoding00.342020
Ontology-Based Correlation Detection Among Heterogeneous Data Sets: A Case Study of University Campus Issues00.342020
"Never Fry Carrots Without Chopping" Generating Cooking Recipes From Cooking Videos Using Deep Learning Considering Previous Process00.342019
Do You Like Sclera? Sclera-Region Detection And Colorization For Anime Character Line Drawings10.342019
Self-Adaptation for Heterogeneous Client-Server Online Games.10.362019
A Method for Goal Model Repair Based on Process Mining00.342019
Mis.Config - Finding Misreferred Configuration Bugs in Web Application Using Thin Slicing.00.342019
Model Smoothing Using Virtual Adversarial Training for Speech Emotion Estimation00.342019
Transforming The Emotion In Speech Using A Generative Adversarial Network00.342019
Trajectory Anonymization: Balancing Usefulness about Position Information and Timestamp00.342019
Multi-task Deep Reinforcement Learning with Evolutionary Algorithm and Policy Gradients Method in 3D Control Tasks00.342019
Do You Like the Sclera?: Sclera-Region Detection in Line Drawings for Automated Colorization00.342019
New Indicator For Centrality Measurements In Passing-Network Analysis Of Soccer00.342019
“Never fry carrots without cutting.” Cooking Recipe Generation from Videos Using Deep Learning Considering Previous Process00.342019
Agent-based Simulation Model Embedded Accounting's Purchase Method; Analysis on the Systemic Risk of Mergers and Acquisitions between Financial Institutions.00.342018
Do Professional Football Players Follow the Optimal Strategies in Penalty Shootout?00.342018
Factors Affecting Accuracy in Image Translation based on Generative Adversarial Network.00.342018
Anonymization and Analysis of Horizontally and Vertically Divided User Profile Databases with Multiple Sensitive Attributes00.342018
Fast Many-to-One Voice Conversion using Autoencoders.10.372017
Japanese Text Classification by Character-level Deep ConvNets and Transfer Learning.20.442017
Proposal Of L-Diversity Algorithm Considering Distance Between Sensitive Attribute Values00.342017
Sarcasm Detection Method to Improve Review Analysis.00.342017
Text Classification and Transfer Learning Based on Character-Level Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.00.342017
An Observation of Behavioral Changes of Indoor Dogs in Response to Caring Behavior by Humanoid Robots - Can Dogs and Robots Be Companions?.00.342017
Formal Verification of Dynamic Evolution Processes of UML Models Using Aspects.00.342017
User Participatory Construction of Open Hazard Data for Preventing Bicycle Accidents.00.342017
Linked Data Collection and Analysis Platform for Music Information Retrieval.00.342016
Linked Data Collection and Analysis Platform of Audio Features.00.342016
A Solution to Visualize Open Urban Data for Illegally Parked Bicycles.00.342016
Goal achievement analysis based on LTL checking and decision tree for improvements of PAIS.00.342016
Estimation Of Interpersonal Relationships In Movies00.342016
Iterative Improvement Of Human Pose Classification Using Guide Ontology00.342016
Sake Selection Support Application for Countryside Tourism.00.342016
Process Mining Approach Based on Partial Structures of Event Logs and Decision Tree Learning00.342016
Activity Recognition for Dogs Using Off-the-Shelf Accelerometer00.342015
A Method for Efficient Extensibility Improvements in Embedded Software Evolution.00.342015
Towards the Elimination of the Miscommunication Between Users in Twitter - Tweet Classification Based on Expected Responses by User.00.342015
Towards Goal-Oriented Conformance Checking.00.342015
Decision Making Strategy Based on Time Series Data of Voting Behavior00.342015
Estimation of character diagram from open-movie databases for cultural understanding00.342015
Activity Recognition for Dogs Based on Time-series Data Analysis.20.672015
A MAPE Loop Control Pattern for Heterogeneous Client/Server Online Games.00.342014
News Recommendation based on Semantic Relations between Events.00.342014
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