Microsoft Res. Asia, Beijing
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Cross-Modality Transformer for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification.00.342022
LensCast: Robust Wireless Video Transmission Over MmWave MIMO With Lens Antenna Array00.342022
Affective Video Content Analysis via Multimodal Deep Quality Embedding Network00.342022
Spatiotemporal Generative Adversarial Network-Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis for Surveillance Video Coding20.362022
AVLSM: Adaptive Variational Level Set Model for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Severe Intensity Inhomogeneity and High Noise00.342022
Evolution of AVS video coding standards: twenty years of innovation and development00.342022
A Resource-Efficient Pipelined Architecture for Real-Time Semi-Global Stereo Matching30.392022
ProgressiveMotionSeg: Mutually Reinforced Framework for Event-Based Motion Segmentation.00.342022
End-to-End Optimized 360 degrees Image Compression00.342022
Multimodal Local-Global Attention Network for Affective Video Content Analysis50.432021
Uncertainty Guided Collaborative Training for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection00.342021
NOMA-based Scalable Video Multicast in Mobile Networks with Statistical Channels50.422021
Foreground Activation Maps for Weakly Supervised Object Localization.00.342021
Deep Network-Based Frame Extrapolation With Reference Frame Alignment50.392021
Task-aware Part Mining Network for Few-Shot Learning.00.342021
Drpl: Deep Regression Pair Learning For Multi-Focus Image Fusion60.402020
Camera Trace Erasing00.342020
Neuronal Population Reconstruction From Ultra-Scale Optical Microscopy Images via Progressive Learning20.372020
IENet: Internal and External Patch Matching ConvNet for Web Image Guided Denoising40.372020
Learning To Assemble Neural Module Tree Networks For Visual Grounding90.502019
Convolutional Neural Network-Based Block Up-Sampling for HEVC.80.472019
Compact Feature Learning For Multi-Domain Image Classification00.342019
Power Control for Interference Management via Ensembling Deep Neural Networks10.352019
Convolutional Neural Network-Based Fractional-Pixel Motion Compensation130.592019
Reference Clip for Inter Prediction in Video Coding.10.372019
HSCNN+: Advanced CNN-Based Hyperspectral Recovery from RGB Images50.462018
Convolutional Neural Network-Based Invertible Half-Pixel Interpolation Filter for Video Coding20.372018
Weighted Rate-Distortion Optimization for Screen Content Coding.20.402018
Thermal to Visible Facial Image Translation Using Generative Adversarial Networks.40.462018
LA-Net: Layout-Aware Dense Network for Monocular Depth Estimation.40.392018
Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Delivery With Shannon-Kotel'nikov Mapping.00.342018
Object detection via deeply exploiting depth information.40.422018
A Deep Tree-Structured Fusion Model for Single Image Deraining.00.342018
An Iterative BP-CNN Architecture for Channel Decoding.341.462018
Wireless image and video soft transmission via perception-inspired power distortion optimization10.372017
Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network For Light Field Super-Resolution00.342017
Surveillance video coding with vehicle library10.352017
Depth-Preserving Stereo Image Retargeting Based on Pixel Fusion40.372017
Image Super-Resolution Based On Adaptive Joint Distribution Modeling00.342017
Guided filter based on multikernel fusion.20.362017
Depth Map Super-Resolution Considering View Synthesis Quality.130.632017
Deeply Exploit Depth Information for Object Detection.10.352016
DAC-Mobi: Data-Assisted Communications of Mobile Images with Cloud Computing Support.20.372016
Progressive Pseudo-Analog Transmission For Mobile Video Live Streaming20.382015
Weighted rate-distortion optimization for screen content intra coding00.342015
Image denoising by exploring external and internal correlations.160.602015
Design and Analysis of Compressive Data Persistence in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks30.402015
Compressive sensing based image transmission with side information at the decoder10.352015
Deblurring Saturated Night Image With Function-Form Kernel50.402015
Inter-layer correlation considered R-D models and Lagrange multiplier for SVC MGS coding.20.392014
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