Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences(Chinese Academy of Sciences),Beijing,China
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A Re-Balancing Strategy for Class-Imbalanced Classification Based on Instance Difficulty00.342022
MetaSLRCL: A Self-Adaptive Learning Rate and Curriculum Learning Based Framework for Few-Shot Text Classification.00.342022
GERE: Generative Evidence Retrieval for Fact Verification00.342022
Learning Discrete Representations via Constrained Clustering for Effective and Efficient Dense Retrieval (Extended Abstract)00.342022
CorpusBrain: Pre-train a Generative Retrieval Model for Knowledge-Intensive Language Tasks00.342022
Hard Negatives or False Negatives: Correcting Pooling Bias in Training Neural Ranking Models00.342022
Certified Robustness to Word Substitution Ranking Attack for Neural Ranking Models00.342022
Pre-train a Discriminative Text Encoder for Dense Retrieval via Contrastive Span Prediction00.342022
MGAD: Learning Descriptional Representation Distilled from Distributional Semantics for Unseen Entities.00.342022
Pre-training Methods in Information Retrieval.00.342022
Scattered or Connected? An Optimized Parameter-efficient Tuning Approach for Information Retrieval00.342022
Sketch And Customize: A Counterfactual Story Generator00.342021
Exploring Implicit And Explicit Geometrical Structure Of Data For Deep Embedded Clustering10.412021
Jointly Optimizing Query Encoder and Product Quantization to Improve Retrieval Performance10.362021
A Discriminative Semantic Ranker for Question Retrieval.00.342021
Learning To Truncate Ranked Lists For Information Retrieval00.342021
Integrating Deep Event-Level and Script-Level Information for Script Event Prediction.00.342021
Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning Based on Evolutional Representation Learning20.452021
FedMatch: Federated Learning Over Heterogeneous Question Answering Data00.342021
Exploring user historical semantic and sentiment preference for microblog sentiment classification00.342021
GL-GCN: Global and Local Dependency Guided Graph Convolutional Networks for aspect-based sentiment classification00.342021
Bidirectional Dependency-Guided Attention for Relation Extraction.00.342020
NeuInfer: Knowledge Inference on N-ary Facts00.342020
Ranking Enhanced Dialogue Generation10.362020
Query Understanding via Intent Description Generation10.362020
Continual Domain Adaptation for Machine Reading Comprehension00.342020
Match²: A Matching over Matching Model for Similar Question Identification20.352020
On the Relation between Quality-Diversity Evaluation and Distribution-Fitting Goal in Text Generation00.342020
HAS-QA: Hierarchical Answer Spans Model for Open-domain Question Answering.10.352019
Outline Generation: Understanding the Inherent Content Structure of Documents.10.342019
A Deep Look into Neural Ranking Models for Information Retrieval.120.892019
Differentiated Distribution Recovery for Neural Text Generation00.342019
Multi-Graph Convolution Network With Jump Connection For Event Detection00.342019
Modeling Temporal Dynamics of Users' Purchase Behaviors for Next Basket Prediction.00.342019
Event Detection with Multi-Order Graph Convolution and Aggregated Attention10.342019
DAPA - The WSDM 2019 Workshop on Deep Matching in Practical Applications.10.352019
Understanding and Improving Neural Ranking Models from a Term Dependence View.00.342019
Modeling the Parameter Interactions in Ranking SVM with Low-rank Approximation00.342019
Multiple Manifold Regularized Sparse Coding for Multi-View Image Clustering.00.342018
Response Ranking with Deep Matching Networks and External Knowledge in Information-seeking Conversation Systems.220.712018
Sequence Tagging with Policy-Value Networks and Tree Search.00.342018
Beyond Precision: A Study on Recall of Initial Retrieval with Neural Representations.00.342018
RI-Match: Integrating Both Representations and Interactions for Deep Semantic Matching.10.352018
Tailored Sequence to Sequence Models to Different Conversation Scenarios.00.342018
Aggregating Neural Word Embeddings for Document Representation.10.342018
Reducing Variance in Gradient Bandit Algorithm using Antithetic Variates Method.00.342018
Learning to Control the Specificity in Neural Response Generation.10.352018
Modeling Diverse Relevance Patterns in Ad-hoc Retrieval.50.392018
Question Headline Generation for News Articles.00.342018
Neural information retrieval: introduction to the special issue.00.342018
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