Univ Concepcion, Dept Elect Engn, Concepcion, Chile
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A Novel Global Maximum Power Point Tracking Method Based on Measurement Cells00.342022
FCS-MPC with Nonlinear Control Applied to a Multicell AFE Rectifier00.342022
Study of the Open-Source Arduino DUE Board as Digital Control Platform for Three-Phase Power Converters00.342022
A Predictive Shortest-Horizon Voltage Control Algorithm for Non-Minimum Phase Three-Phase Rectifiers00.342022
Soft-Deadbeat Control for Multivariable Three Phase VSC Under Variable Grid Voltage00.342021
PV Injection System with Third Harmonic Compensation based on H-Bridge Topologies00.342021
Fast-Model Predictive Control For A Grid-Tie Photovoltaic System00.342020
Modeling And Control Of A Hybrid Transformer Based On A Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converter00.342020
Real-Time Simulation Of A High-Power Cycloconverter Drive00.342018
Pv Farm Operation Withindependent Reactive Power Compensation Regardless Of The Active Power Level Generation00.342018
Global Maximum Power Point Tracking Scheme On A Partially Shaded Photovoltaic Array00.342018
Study Of Reactive Power Compensation Capabilities And Lc Filter Design For A Multilevel Three-Phase Current-Source D-Statcom00.342018
Enhanced Predictive Control for a Wide Time Variant Frequency Environment20.462016
Model Predictive Control for Power Converters in a Distorted Three-Phase Power Supply.10.362016
Decoupled Current Model And Control Of Modular Multilevel Converters50.722015
An Operating Condition-Based Scheme to Alternate Between Control Strategies for Improved Steady-State and Transient Behavior10.412015
Resonant control for multi-cell cascaded H-Bridge topologies based on current source inverters00.342014
Resonant control for H-Bridge topologies based on single-phase Current-Source Inverters00.342014
Decoupled and Modular Harmonic Compensation for Multilevel STATCOMs10.402014
Two predictive control techniques for output voltage control and improvement of the source currents in an indirect matrix converter00.342014
Cascaded H-Bridge topologies comparison for multi-cell current-source inverters under different DC inductor size reduction methods00.342014
Predictive Controller for a Three-Phase/Single-Phase Voltage Source Converter Cell.60.512014
Voltage regulation in mine power distribution systems: Problems and solutions00.342014
Integration of a large-scale photovoltaic plant using a multilevel converter topology and virtual synchronous generator control50.722014
Improving Power Quality in Cascade Multilevel Converters Based on Single-Phase Nonregenerative Power Cells00.342014
An efficiency comparison between a 18 pulses diode rectifier and a multi-cell AFE rectifier operating with FCS — MPC10.362014
On the control of a grid-connected photovoltaic plant under non-uniform insolation20.462014
Discrete synchronism methods for polluted single phase and unbalanced three-phase systems20.432014
A Comparative Assessment Of Model Predictive Current Control And Space Vector Modulation In A Direct Matrix Converter231.312013
Finite Control Set - Model Predictive Control applied to multicell rectifiers30.422013
State of the Art of Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control in Power Electronics.1326.692013
Introduction to the Special Section on Digital Control Systems in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives - Part II.00.342013
FPGA v/s DSP Performance Comparison for a VSC-Based STATCOM Control Application.110.662013
A Simple Predictive Method to Estimate Flicker10.362013
A new modulation technique for 15-level asymmetric inverter operating with minimum THD10.362013
Improved steady state and transient behavior of static power converters by means of an operating mode identifier algorithm00.342013
Multiobjective Switching State Selector for Finite-States Model Predictive Control Based on Fuzzy Decision Making in a Matrix Converter50.532013
Guest Editorial Special Section on Digital Control Systems in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives - Part III00.342013
Digital Implementation of Selective Harmonic Elimination Techniques in Modular Current Source Rectifiers100.742013
Predictive voltage control with imposed source current waveforms in an indirect matrix converter00.342013
Analysis and design of a Cascaded H-Bridge topology based on current-source inverters60.852013
All-on-Chip dq-Frame Based D-STATCOM Control Implementation in a Low-Cost FPGA.120.782013
On the DC inductors size reduction in a multi-cell topology based on current source converters by means of magnetic couplings40.532013
Predictive Torque and Flux Control Without Weighting Factors342.012013
Comparison of CSI and VSI based modular rectifiers with magnetic AC coupling for large current and low voltage applications10.362012
Asymmetric multilevel STATCOM to compensate reactive power and current harmonics20.432012
A novel modulation technique for asymmetric multi-cell inverters of 27-level without regeneration10.382012
Current Control for an Indirect Matrix Converter With Filter Resonance Mitigation251.762012
Guest Editorial Special Section on Digital Control Systems in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives - I.00.342012
Static power converter synchronization and control under varying frequency conditions60.692012
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