Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, State Key Lab Resources & Environm Informat Syst, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China
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Quantifying the Influences of Driving Factors on Land Surface Temperature during 2003-2018 in China Using Convergent Cross Mapping Method00.342022
Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature and Soil Moisture from Passive Microwave Observations.00.342021
A Method for Deriving Relative Humidity From MODIS Data Under All-Sky Conditions00.342021
Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature With Topographic Effect Correction From Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Data in Mountainous Areas00.342021
Land Surface Emissivity Estimation from Satellite Data with Machine Learning.00.342021
Uncertainty analysis of SVD-based spaceborne far–red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence retrieval using TanSat satellite data10.412021
Retrieval of Surface Temperature and Emissivity From Ground-Based Time-Series Thermal Infrared Data00.342020
Evapotranspiration Retrieval Under Different Aridity Conditions Over North American Grasslands00.342020
Hyperspectral Estimation of Soil Organic Matter Content using Different Spectral Preprocessing Techniques and PLSR Method.00.342020
Evaluation of Seven Atmospheric Profiles from Reanalysis and Satellite-Derived Products: Implication for Single-Channel Land Surface Temperature Retrieval.00.342020
1Estimation of Spatially Complete Land Surface Evapotranspiration Over The Heihe River Basin.00.342019
Improvement of Split-Window Algorithm for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Sentinel-3A SLSTR Data Over Barren Surfaces Using ASTER GED Product00.342019
Intercomparison of AMSR2- and MODIS-Derived Land Surface Temperature Under Clear-Sky Conditions00.342019
Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms in Spatial Downscaling of MODIS Land Surface Temperature00.342019
Evaluation of A Physically-Based Passive Microwave Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm Using MODIS Data00.342019
A Practical Two-Stage Algorithm for Retrieving Land Surface Temperature from AMSR-E Data - A Case Study Over China.00.342018
Radiance-based validation of land surface temperature products derived from Collection 6 MODIS thermal infrared data.10.382018
Algorithm Development for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval: Application to Chinese Gaofen-5 Data.50.482017
Validation and Analysis of Long-Term AATSR Land Surface Temperature Product in the Heihe River Basin, China.10.362017
Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of Land Surface Temperature Derived From FengYun Geostationary Satellite Data.20.392017
Spatial Downscaling of MODIS Land Surface Temperatures Using Geographically Weighted Regression: Case Study in Northern China.20.472016
A practical algorithm for estimating surface soil moisture using combined optical and thermal infrared data.60.602016
Comparison Of Amsr-E Soil Moisture Product And Ground-Based Measurement Over Agricultural Areas In China00.342015
Estimation of Diurnal Cycle of Land Surface Temperature at High Temporal and Spatial Resolution from Clear-Sky MODIS Data90.902014
Inversion of the PROSAIL model to estimate leaf area index of maize, potato, and sunflower fields from unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral data.251.502014
Temporal-spatial variations monitoring of soil moisture using microwave polarization difference index00.342014
Modeling of Day-to-Day Temporal Progression of Clear-Sky Land Surface Temperature50.562013
Preliminary results of temporal normalization of MODIS land surface temperature00.342011
A Contextual Fire Detection Algorithm for Simulated HJ-1B Imagery.30.622009
Retrieval of Subpixel Fire Temperature and Fire Area using Simulated HJ-1B Data00.342008