IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532, USA
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Improving the Accuracy of Progress Indication for Constructing Deep Learning Models00.342022
Dicomannotator: A Configurable Open-Source Software Program For Efficient Dicom Image Annotation00.342020
Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for the Progressive Sampling-Based Bayesian Optimization Method for Automated Machine Learning Model Selection.00.342020
Progressive sampling-based Bayesian optimization for efficient and automatic machine learning model selection.10.342018
Progress Indication for Machine Learning Model Building: A Feasibility Demonstration.00.342018
Automatically explaining machine learning prediction results: a demonstration on type 2 diabetes risk prediction.40.482018
Toward a Progress Indicator for Machine Learning Model Building and Data Mining Algorithm Execution: A Position Paper.10.352017
General Symptom Extraction from VA Electronic Medical Notes.00.342017
Automatic Identification of High Impact Articles in PubMed to Support Clinical Decision Making.30.402017
A review of automatic selection methods for machine learning algorithms and hyper-parameter values.230.752016
Dietary Management Software For Chronic Kidney Disease: Current Status And Open Issues00.342016
Efficient Execution Methods of Pivoting for Bulk Extraction of Entity-Attribute-Value-Modeled Data.40.392016
PredicT-ML: a tool for automating machine learning model building with big clinical data.30.642016
Predicting asthma control deterioration in children.10.352015
A systematic review of predictive models for asthma development in children.30.432015
MLBCD: a machine learning tool for big clinical data80.492015
A systematic review of predictive modeling for bronchiolitis.50.472014
A roadmap for designing a personalized search tool for individual healthcare providers.720.592014
Open issues in intelligent personal health record--an updated status report for 2012.910.982013
Triggers and monitoring in intelligent personal health record.40.402012
Navigation interface for recommending home medical products.20.382012
Automatic home medical product recommendation.90.762012
Distance-constrained orthogonal Latin squares for brain-computer interface.10.362012
V locking protocol for materialized aggregate join views on B-tree indices00.342010
Intelligent Personal Health Record: Experience and Open Issues90.512010
Transaction reordering10.352010
Design and Evaluation of the iMed Intelligent Medical Search Engine120.992009
Automatic home nursing activity recommendation.50.502009
Intelligent consumer-centric electronic medical record.40.602009
Answering linear optimization queries with an approximate stream index30.402009
Content-based filtering for efficient online materialized view maintenance40.482008
Challenging Issues In Iterative Intelligent Medical Search30.452008
Real-time new event detection for video streams40.422008
Intelligent output interface for intelligent medical search engine60.762008
Transaction reordering with application to synchronized scans20.352008
On iterative intelligent medical search160.982008
MedSearch: a specialized search engine for medical information retrieval391.522008
Resource-adaptive real-time new event detection291.652007
Subject-adaptive real-time sleep stage classification based on conditional random field.40.802007
Answering relationship queries on the web361.852007
MedSearch: a specialized search engine for medical information51.422007
Toward a progress indicator for program compilation30.432007
Challenges and experience in prototyping a multi-modal stream analytic and monitoring application on System S624.012007
SAO: A Stream Index for Answering Linear Optimization Queries20.522007
Partial Materialized Views120.572007
Multi-query SQL progress indicators362.412006
Transaction reordering and grouping for continuous data loading50.562006
Efficient detection of empty-result queries30.492006
Increasing the Accuracy and Coverage of SQL Progress Indicators322.672005
Toward a progress indicator for database queries653.752004
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