Korea Adv Inst Sci & Technol, Dept Elect Engn, Taejon 305714, South Korea
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Active User Detection and Channel Estimation for Massive Machine-Type Communication: Deep Learning Approach10.382022
Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals40.412021
Partial Sample Transmission and Deep Neural Decoding for URLLC-based V2X Systems00.342021
Low-light image enhancement by diffusion pyramid with residuals00.342021
DSLR: Deep Stacked Laplacian Restorer for Low-Light Image Enhancement00.342021
Deep Spectral-Spatial Network For Single Image Deblurring10.352020
Ultra-Mini Slot Transmission For 5g+And 6g Urllc Network00.342020
Sparse Vector Transmission: An Idea Whose Time Has Come00.342020
Deep Neural Network-Based Active User Detection for Grant-Free NOMA Systems50.452020
Top-down thermal tracking based on rotatable elliptical motion model for intelligent livestock breeding00.342020
Pilot-Less One-Shot Sparse Coding for Short Packet-Based Machine-Type Communications00.342020
Channel Aware Sparse Transmission for Ultra Low-Latency Communications in TDD Systems00.342020
Enhanced Sparse Vector Coding for Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications10.372020
Attentive Feedback Feature Pyramid Network For Shadow Detection00.342020
Multiple object tracking in soccer videos using topographic surface analysis.00.342019
Channel Aware Sparse Signaling for Ultra-low Latency TDD Access00.342019
Active User Detection of Machine-type Communications via Dimension Spreading Neural Network00.342019
Skeleton-based Gait Recognition via Robust Frame-level Matching20.382019
Pilot-less Sparse Vector Coding for Short Packet Transmission00.342019
Visibility Restoration Via Smoothing Speed For Vein Recognition00.342019
Moving object detection using edges of residuals under varying illuminations00.342019
Low-Light Image Enhancement Based on Maximal Diffusion Values10.352019
Depth Estimation From A Single Image Using Guided Deep Network00.342019
Multiple player tracking in soccer videos: an adaptive multiscale sampling approach.10.362018
Image Enhancement Using Patch-Based Principal Energy Analysis.00.342018
New Radio Technologies for Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communications00.342018
Fast Uplink Access in TDD Systems for Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communications00.342018
Channel Aware Sparse Signaling for Ultra Low-Latency Communication in TDD Systems00.342018
Background subtraction with variable illumination in outdoor scenes.00.342018
Vein Enhancement Using a Dark Diffusion Prior.00.342018
Directional coherence-based spatiotemporal descriptor for object detection in static and dynamic scenes.20.362017
Thermal Sensor-Based Multiple Object Tracking for Intelligent Livestock Breeding.00.342017
Illumination-Invariant Background Subtraction: Comparative Review, Models, and Prospects.50.392017
Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using Local Coherence Patterns.80.452017
Background Subtraction Using Illumination-Invariant Structural Complexity.70.412016
Revisiting The Regression Between Raw Outputs Of Image Quality Metrics And Ground Truth Measurements00.342016
Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using Ensemble of Local Image Quality Assessments.00.342016
Illumination-Invariant Face Representation Via Normalized Structural Information00.342016
Towards real biometrics : An overview of fingerprint liveness detection.00.342016
Face liveness detection from a single image via diffusion speed model.180.722015
Recognition Combined Human Pose Tracking Using Single Depth Images00.342014
A novel monochromatic cue for detecting regions of visual interest.00.342014
SVD Face: Illumination-Invariant Face Representation120.532014
HDO: A novel local image descriptor00.342014
Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection Using Textural Contrast and Its Applications210.732014
Saliency Combined Particle Filtering for Aircraft Tracking30.402014
Video Saliency Detection Using Contrast of Spatiotemporal Directional Coherence90.512014
Randomized decision bush: Combining global shape parameters and local scalable descriptors for human body parts recognition00.342014
Real-time 3D human pose recognition from reconstructed volume via voxel classifiers00.342014
Active contours driven by the salient edge energy model.130.572013
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