Laboratorium voor Neuro- en Psychofysiologie, K.U. Leuven, Campus Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. E-mail: Email: marc@neuro,
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Phase-Spatial Beamforming Renders a Visual Brain Computer Interface Capable of Exploiting EEG Electrode Phase Shifts in Motion-Onset Target Responses00.342022
Alternating step size method for solving ill-posed linear operator equations in energetic space00.342022
Accurate offline asynchronous detection of individual finger movement from intracranial brain signals using a novel multiway approach.00.342021
Information Transmitted From Bioinspired Neuron-Astrocyte Network Improves Cortical Spiking Network's Pattern Recognition Performance.00.342020
Fast Multiway Partial Least Squares Regression.00.342019
Predicting Premature Video Skipping and Viewer Interest from EEG Recordings.00.342019
Exploring the Organization of Semantic Memory through Unsupervised Analysis of Event-related Potentials.20.382018
Decoding Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials From Electrocorticography.00.342018
Representation of steady-state visual evoked potentials elicited by luminance flicker in human occipital cortex: An electrocorticography study.30.392018
Accurate Decoding of Short, Phase-Encoded SSVEPs.00.342018
Simple-iteration method with alternating step size for solving operator equations in Hilbert space00.342016
Discriminating Multiple Emotional States From Eeg Using A Data-Adaptive, Multiscale Information-Theoretic Approach90.562016
Fully Bayesian tensor-based regression00.342016
Faster P300 Classifier Training Using Spatiotemporal Beamforming80.482016
Inter-document reference detection as an alternative to full text semantic analysis in document clustering00.342013
Decoding SSVEP Responses based on Parafac Decomposition.10.402012
A Comparison of FPGA and GPU for Real-Time Phase-Based Optical Flow, Stereo, and Local Image Features561.942012
Head-Centric Disparity And Epipolar Geometry Estimation From A Population Of Binocular Energy Neurons40.432012
Feasibility of error-related potential detection as novelty detection problem in p300 mind spelling00.342012
Multichannel Decoding For Phase-Coded Ssvep Brain-Computer Interface60.772012
Enhancing The Yield Of High-Density Electrode Arrays Through Automated Electrode Selection361.552012
Combining Object Detection And Brain Computer Interfacing: Towards A New Way Of Subject-Environment Interaction10.352011
Text mining with emergent self organizing maps and multi-dimensional scaling: A comparative study on domestic violence90.512011
Comparison of Linear Classification Methods for P300 Brain-computer Interface on Disabled Subjects.00.342011
A clustering study of a 7000 EU document inventory using MDS and SOM30.542011
Joint Markov Blankets in Feature Sets Extracted from Wavelet Packet Decompositions.00.342011
Decoding phase-based information from steady-state visual evoked potentials with use of complex-valued neural network10.352011
Brain-computer interface research at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven00.342011
Comparison of classification methods for P300 brain-computer interface on disabled subjects272.072011
Steady State Visual Evoked Potential Based Computer Gaming - The Maze.80.722011
The complex local mean decomposition10.362011
Decoding phase-based information from SSVEP recordings: A comparative study20.382011
Learning Eye Vergence Control From A Distributed Disparity Representation70.472010
Decoding Grating Orientation From Microelectrode Array Recordings In Monkey Cortical Area V490.642010
Toward automated electrode selection in the electronic depth control strategy for multi-unit recordings00.342010
Decoding stimulus-reward pairing from local field potentials recorded from monkey visual cortex50.622010
Combining ESOMs trained on a hierarchy of feature subsets for single-trial decoding of LFP responses in monkey area V420.392010
A two-level real-time vision machine combining coarse- and fine-grained parallelism90.512010
A compact harmonic code for early vision based on anisotropic frequency channels230.892010
Increasing and Decreasing Returns and Losses in Mutual Information Feature Subset Selection.60.622010
Gaining insight in domestic violence with Emergent Self Organizing Maps70.662009
A connectivity-based method for defining regions-of-interest in fMRI data.70.532009
Posterior probability profiles for the automated assessment of the recovery of patients with stroke from activity of daily living tasks30.462009
P300 detection based on feature extraction in on-line brain-computer interface80.702009
Wavelet Packet Decomposition For The Identification Of Corrosion Type From Acoustic Emission Signals31.012009
Optic flow from unstable sequences through local velocity constancy maximization90.562009
Feature Extraction and Classification of EEG Signals for Rapid P300 Mind Spelling60.572009
Constrained subspace ica based on mutual information optimization directly40.462008
Sequential fixed-point ica based on mutual information minimization30.512008
Machine Learning for Signal Processing00.342008
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