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Analysing information policy gap for interagency information sharing: the case of Indonesia.00.342022
Determinants of Cross-boundary Information Sharing Success - Comparing Intra-agency, Inter-agency, and Cross-sectoral Collaboration Initiatives.00.342020
Determinants of Smart Library Readiness in Indonesia.00.342020
Analyzing the Conceptualization of and Challenges to Adopt Smart Public Library in Indonesia00.342019
Understanding The Intention To Trust Product Information And Certifications To Promote Sustainable Consumption: Applying The Theory Of Planned Behavior00.342018
Critical Success Factors of Open Government and Open Data at Local Government Level in Indonesia00.342018
The Mediating Role of Trust for Inter-Organizational Information Sharing (IIS) Success in the Public Sector.00.342017
Examining Boundary Objects in Inter-Organizational Information Sharing (IIS) Success.00.342017
Building a Certification and Inspection Data Infrastructure to Promote Transparent Markets00.342017
Collaborative Data Analytics for Emergency Response: Identifying Key Factors and Proposing a Preliminary Framework00.342017
Government inter-organizational information sharing initiatives: Understanding the main determinants of success.00.342016
Determinants of Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities in Interagency Information Integration and Sharing (IIS)10.412016
The Values of Public Library in Promoting an Open Government Environment.00.342016
Strengthening institutional-based trust for sustainable consumption: Lessons for smart disclosure.00.342016
Modeling the Roles of Leadership for Inter-organizational Information Sharing and Integration Success.00.342016
Challenges and requirements for developing data architecture supporting integration of sustainable supply chains60.622015
Going beyond open data: challenges and motivations for smart disclosure in ethical consumption90.592014
Information flows and smart disclosure of financial data: A framework for identifying challenges of cross boundary information sharing30.432014
A Framework for Benchmarking Open Government Data Efforts150.902014
Examining trust as key drivers in smart disclosure for sustainable consumption: the case of I-choose00.342014
Full Information Product Pricing: An Information Strategy for Harnessing Consumer Choice to Create a More Sustainable World80.672014
Transparency, participation, and accountability practices in open government: A comparative study210.842014
Understanding the determinants of success in inter-organizational information sharing initiatives: results from a national survey30.392014
Open budgets and open government: beyond disclosure in pursuit of transparency, participation and accountability50.562013
A preliminary ontology for tracking certification systems: a case study of fairtrade coffee certification00.342013
Exploring the determinants of scientific data sharing: Understanding the motivation to publish research data170.972013
Understanding smart data disclosure policy success: the case of Green Button70.582013
Information architectures and governance structures to support smart disclosure: a convention-based view00.342013
Exploring the Motive for Data Publication in Open Data Initiative: Linking Intention to Action40.522012
A stakeholder analysis of interoperable data architecture: the case of I-Choose40.482012
Building the Academic Community of E-Government Research on Cross-Boundary Information Integration and Sharing00.342012
Beyond open government: ontologies and data architectures to support ethical consumption10.352012
Effects of the internet and sociocultural factors on budget transparency and accountability30.512012
Information sharing and financial market regulation: understanding the capability gap20.422012
Evaluating the structure of cross-boundary digital government research collaboration: a social network approach20.372011
Who uses e-government?: examining the digital divide in e-government use50.442011
Building and Sustaining a Transnational and Interdisciplinary Research Group: Lessons Learned from a North American Experience00.342011
Understanding the impact of computing and information technology on critical challenges facing 21st century financial market regulators20.412011
The institutional and social network perspectives of government 2.0 adoption10.342011
Government 2.0 collects the wisdom of crowds50.662011
Computing and information technology challenges for 21st century financial market regulators30.432011
The role of trust and ICT proficiency in structuring the cross-boundary digital government research00.342011
Understanding the capabilities and critical success factors in collaborative data sharing network: the case of dataONE70.532011
Exploring the determinants of publication of scientific data in open data initiative10.362011