CASOS, ISR, SCS, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA 15213
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Identifying lexical change in negative word-of-mouth on social media00.342022
Glowing Experience or Bad Trip? A Quantitative Analysis of User Reported Drug Experiences on Erowid.org00.342022
Characterizing Movie Genres Using Formal Concept Analysis.00.342020
Extraction Patterns To Derive Social Networks From Linked Open Data Using Sparql00.342020
Measuring the Acceleration of the Social Construction of Time using the BOE (Boletin Oficial del Estado).00.342020
A Longitudinal Analysis of a Social Network of Intellectual History00.342020
Collecting Egocentric Network Data With Visual Tools: A Comparative Study00.342020
Data Siphoning Across Borders: The Role of Internet Tracking00.342019
Mining Social Networks from Linked Open Data.10.372019
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2019, Munich, Germany, June 11-14, 201900.342019
Tampering with Twitter’s Sample API20.402018
Applying an hybrid Input-Output Model and Network Analysis to Regional Economies00.342018
Towards Semantic-Based Social Network Analysis.00.342018
Cost Matters: A New Example-Dependent Cost-Sensitive Logistic Regression Model.00.342017
Predicting Defective Engines using Convolutional Neural Networks on Temporal Vibration Signals.00.342017
Armed Conflicts in Online News: A Multilingual Study.10.362017
Model-based Cluster Analysis for Identifying Suspicious Activity Sequences in Software.00.342017
Sampling from Social Networks with Attributes.30.502017
zooRank: Ranking Suspicious Entities in Time-Evolving Tensors.00.342017
Do #ifdefs Influence the Occurrence of Vulnerabilities? An Empirical Study of the Linux Kernel.70.432016
Visualizing the variational callgraph of the Linux kernel: an approach for reasoning about dependencies [poster].00.342016
Maximizing the Spread of Positive Influence by Deadline.20.392016
Identifying Platform Effects in Social Media Data.40.392016
A model-based approach to anomaly detection in software architectures.00.342016
Understanding Large Temporal Networks and Spatial Networks. Wiley Series in Computational and Quantitative Social Science, V. Batagelj, P. Doreian, A. Ferligoj, N. Kejžar (Eds.) (2014).00.342016
A Tempest in a Teacup? Analyzing Firestorms on Twitter50.452015
Characterizing complexity of highly-configurable systems with variational call graphs: analyzing configuration options interactions complexity in function calls30.432015
Finding Non-Redundant Multi-Word Events on Twitter.20.362015
Text, Topics, and Turkers: A Consensus Measure for Statistical Topics20.422015
Detecting insider threats in software systems using graph models of behavioral paths00.342015
Reports of the 2015 Workshops Held at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media.00.342015
Embassies burning: toward a near-real-time assessment of social media using geo-temporal dynamic network analytics.30.372014
Characterizing the Life Cycle of Online News Stories Using Social Media Reactions541.912014
When is it biased?: assessing the representativeness of twitter's streaming API281.392014
Finding Eyewitness Tweets During Crises.110.642014
Limiting recertification in highly configurable systems: analyzing interactions and isolation among configuration options00.342014
Model-Based Assistance for Making Time/Fidelity Trade-Offs in Component Compositions10.362014
Near real time assessment of social media using geo-temporal network analytics30.482013
Network text analysis of conceptual overlap in interviews, newspaper articles and keywords.50.622013
Is the Sample Good Enough? Comparing Data from Twitter's Streaming API with Twitter's Firehose.1706.462013
Rapid modeling and analyzing networks extracted from pre-structured news articles81.032012
Visual Analysis of Dynamic Networks Using Change Centrality70.492012
k-Centralities: local approximations of global measures based on shortest paths240.902012
Serious Beats: Transdisciplinary research methodologies for designing and evaluating a socially integrative serious music-based online game00.342011