Osaka Univ, Osaka 5650871, Japan
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Characterizing and Mitigating Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Build Systems20.392022
On the Use of Refactoring in Security Vulnerability Fixes: An Exploratory Study on Maven Libraries00.342022
NCDSearch: Sliding Window-Based Code Clone Search Using Lempel-Ziv Jaccard Distance00.342022
SōjiTantei: Function-Call Reachability Detection of Vulnerable Code for npm Packages.00.342022
A framework for conditional statement technical debt identification and description00.342022
JISDLab: A web-based interactive literate debugging environment00.342022
Newcomer OSS-Candidates: Characterizing Contributions of Novice Developers to GitHub00.342022
A framework for conditional statement technical debt identification and description00.342022
Same File, Different Changes: The Potential of Meta-Maintenance on GitHub10.362021
Contrasting Third-Party Package Management User Experience00.342021
Research Artifact: The Potential of Meta-Maintenance on GitHub00.342021
Automatic patch linkage detection in code review using textual content and file location features00.342021
Nod4j: Near-Omniscient Debugging Tool For Java Using Size-Limited Execution Trace10.392021
Does Code Review Promote Conformance? A Study of OpenStack Patches00.342021
Can we benchmark Code Review studies? A systematic mapping study of methodology, dataset, and metric00.342021
Lags In The Release, Adoption, And Propagation Of Npm Vulnerability Fixes20.362021
Newcomer Candidate: Characterizing Contributions Of A Novice Developer To Github00.342020
Code-based vulnerability detection in Node.js applications: how far are we?00.342020
Towards Classification of Loop Idioms Automatically Extracted from Legacy Systems00.342019
How Do Contributors Impact Code Naturalness? An Exploratory Study of 50 Python Projects00.342019
PADLA: a dynamic log level adapter using online phase detection10.352019
Near-Omniscient Debugging for Java Using Size-Limited Execution Trace00.342019
Visualizing the Usage of Pythonic Idioms Over Time: A Case Study of the with open Idiom00.342019
Mining Source Code Improvement Patterns from Similar Code Review Works00.342019
Towards Smoother Library Migrations: A Look at Vulnerable Dependency Migrations at Function Level for npm JavaScript Packages30.382018
A generalized model for visualizing library popularity, adoption, and diffusion within a software ecosystem10.362018
Catalogen: Generating Catalogs of Code Examples Collected from OSS00.342018
How Are If-Conditional Statements Fixed Through Peer Codereview?00.342018
Extraction Of Library Update History Using Source Code Reuse Detection00.342018
Cloned Buggy Code Detection in Practice Using Normalized Compression Distance20.362018
Impact of Coding Style Checker on Code Review - A Case Study on the OpenStack Projects00.342018
Do developers update their library dependencies?391.352018
Visualization Of Inter-Module Dataflow Through Global Variables For Source Code Review00.342018
Search-based software library recommendation using multi-objective optimization.210.662017
SoL Mantra: Visualizing Update Opportunities Based on Library Coexistence10.362017
Using High-Rising Cities to Visualize Performance in Real-Time40.412017
How is IF Statement Fixed Through Code Review? A Case Study of Qt Project00.342017
Source File Set Search for Clone-and-Own Reuse Analysis.30.382017
Modeling Library Dependencies and Updates in Large Software Repository Universes.10.382017
Dependency-Based Extraction Of Conditional Statements For Understanding Business Rules10.352016
Approximating The Evolution History Of Software From Source Code00.342015
Estimating product evolution graph using Kolmogorov complexity00.342015
Variable Data-Flow Graph For Lightweight Program Slicing And Visualization00.342015
Method Verb Recommendation Using Association Rule Mining In A Set Of Existing Projects30.422015
Improvement In Method Verb Recommendation Technique Using Association Rule Mining00.342015
Comparison Of Backward Slicing Techniques For Java10.352015
Measuring Copying of Java Archives.00.342014
Repeatedly-executed-method viewer for efficient visualization of execution paths and states in Java60.812014
Toward understanding how developers recognize features in source code from descriptions00.342014
Semi-Automatically Extracting Features From Source Code Of Android Applications20.362013
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