Institut Charles Delaunay, LM2S-UMR STMR 6279 CNRS, University of Technology of Troyes, Troyes, France
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Bi-level Doubly Variational Learning for Energy-based Latent Variable Models00.342022
Cdadnet: Context-Guided Dense Attentional Dilated Network For Crowd Counting00.342021
Ft-Mdnet: A Deep-Frozen Transfer Learning Framework For Person Search00.342021
Deep Learning And Handcrafted Features For One-Class Anomaly Detection In Uav Video20.352021
An Enhanced 3dcnn-Convlstm For Spatiotemporal Multimedia Data Analysis00.342021
Pose-Guided Inflated 3d Convnet For Action Recognition In Videos00.342021
Online Detection of Action Start via Soft Computing for Smart City00.342021
Learned Versus Handcrafted Features For Person Re-Identification10.372020
Uav-Based Surveillance System: An Anomaly Detection Approach00.342020
Linear Models For Total Coverage Problem With Connectivity Constraints Using Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles00.342020
Abnormal event detection via the analysis of multi-frame optical flow information00.342020
Data-driven prognostic method based on self-supervised learning approaches for fault detection30.392020
Generative Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes.60.422019
Region based Ensemble Learning Network for Fine-grained Classification.00.342019
FANET: Communication, mobility models and security issues.80.502019
Abnormal events detection using deep neural networks: application to extreme sea surface temperature detection in the Red Sea00.342019
Stacked Auto-Encoder For Scalable Indoor Localization In Wireless Sensor Networks00.342019
Multiple Cues Association for Multiple Object Tracking Based on Convolutional Neural Network00.342019
Abnormal object detection and recognition in the complex construction site via cloud computing.00.342019
Coverage Optimization Using Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles With Connectivity Constraint00.342019
Enhanced Convolutional Neural Network for Abnormal Event Detection in Video Streams00.342019
A Novel Approach For Anomaly Detection In Power Consumption Data00.342019
Centralized Cognitive Radio Based Frequency Allocation For Uavs Communication00.342019
Uav-Gcs Centralized Data-Oriented Communication Architecture For Crowd Surveillance Applications00.342019
Multiple Kernelized Correlation Filters (MKCF) for Extended Object Tracking Using X-band Marine Radar Data20.372019
A Game-Theoretic Multi-Level Energy Demand Management for Smart Buildings10.342019
A reinforcement learning approach for UAV target searching and tracking40.382019
Accelerating temporal action proposal generation via high performance computing00.342019
ThermCont: A machine Learning enabled Thermal Comfort Control Tool in a real time00.342019
Hybrid Deep Learning And Hof For Anomaly Detection00.342019
Multi-Shot Human Re-Identification for the Security in Video Surveillance Systems00.342018
Abnormal event detection using convolutional neural networks and 1-class SVM classifier10.392017
Human Action Recognition Based on Sub-data Learning.00.342017
Discriminant quaternion local binary pattern embedding for person re-identification through prototype formation and color categorization.10.352017
A new method of video-surveillance data analytics for the security in camera networks00.342017
Multi-shot human re-identification using a fast multi-scale video covariance descriptor.10.372017
Bayesian Estimation of Smooth Altimetric Parameters: Application to Conventional and Delay/Doppler Altimetry.50.492016
Discriminant sparse label-sensitive embedding: Application to image-based face pose estimation.00.342016
A bi-objective model for wireless sensor deployment considering coverage and tracking applications10.362016
Exploiting color cues to improve person re-identification00.342016
A Novel Outlier Detection Model Based on One Class Principal Component Classifier in Wireless Sensor Networks10.372015
A Specific Heuristic Dedicated to a Coverage/Tracking Bi-objective Problem for Wireless Sensor Deployment00.342015
Kernel-based machine learning using radio-fingerprints for localization in wsns40.392015
Theoretical properties and implementation of the one-sided mean kernel for time series.00.342015
Decentralized localization using radio-fingerprints and accelerometer in WSNs20.362015
Articulated pose estimation via multiple mixture parts model10.342015
Sensor deployment optimization methods to achieve both coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks.160.582015
Joint Abnormal Blob Detection and Localization Under Complex Scenes00.342015
Articulated human motion tracking with foreground learning00.342014
Detection of Abnormal Visual Events via Global Optical Flow Orientation Histogram340.962014
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