Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Acoust, High Performance Network Lab, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China
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Multiagent Reinforcement Learning-Based Signal Planning for Resisting Congestion Attack in Green Transportation00.342022
Toward Blockchain-Based Spoofing Defense for Controlled Optimization of Phases in Traffic Signal System00.342022
Improving Convolutional Neural Network-Based Webshell Detection Through Reinforcement Learning00.342021
Adversarial Retraining Attack Of Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic Based Pathfinding00.342021
Contiguous Loss For Motion-Based, Non-Aligned Image Deblurring00.342021
Towards Revealing Parallel Adversarial Attack On Politician Socialnet Of Graph Structure00.342021
Robustness Assessment of Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic Based on Dynamic Skewness and Sparseness Computation: A Parallel Computing View00.342021
A Training-Based Identification Approach to VIN Adversarial Examples in Path Planning00.342021
A Hierarchical Energy-Efficient Service Selection Approach With QoS Constraints for Internet of Things10.352021
Protecting Reward Function of Reinforcement Learning via Minimal and Non-catastrophic Adversarial Trajectory00.342021
Constructing Optimal Sparse Decision Tree for Analying I-SIG System Attack00.342020
Exploring Data Correlation between Feature Pairs for Generating Constraint-based Adversarial Examples00.342020
Adapt Swarm Path Planning for UAV Based on Artificial Potential Field with Birds Intelligence Extensions.00.342020
Queue Length Estimation Based Defence Against Data Poisoning Attack for Traffic Signal Control.00.342020
A Configurable off-Policy Evaluation with Key State-Based Bias Constraints in AI Reinforcement Learning.00.342020
Explainable Congestion Attack Prediction and Software-level Reinforcement in Intelligent Traffic Signal System00.342020
A C-IFGSM Based Adversarial Approach for Deep Learning Based Intrusion Detection.00.342020
An Empirical Study On Gan-Based Traffic Congestion Attack Analysis: A Visualized Method00.342020
Exposing Spoofing Attack On Flocking-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Cluster: A Threat To Swarm Intelligence00.342020
Bidirectional RNN-based Few-shot Training for Detecting Multi-stage Attack.00.342019
Adversarial attack and defense in reinforcement learning-from AI security view.30.492019
A Training-based Identification Approach to VIN Adversarial Examples.00.342018
A PCA-Based Model to Predict Adversarial Examples on Q-Learning of Path Finding.00.342018
A Novel Group Recommendation Mechanism From the Perspective of Preference Distribution.00.342018
Intention-Aware Multi-channel Keyword Extension for Content Security.00.342018
An Approach to Generate Topic Similar Document by Seed Extraction-Based SeqGAN Training for Bait Document.00.342018
Adversarial Examples Construction Towards White-Box Q Table Variation in DQN Pathfinding Training.00.342018
Gradient Band-based Adversarial Training for Generalized Attack Immunity of A3C Path Finding.00.342018
Efficient Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithms Using Low-Rank Representation.20.372017
A Novel Graph Constructor for Semisupervised Discriminant Analysis: Combined Low-Rank and k-Nearest Neighbor Graph.00.342017
Fine-Grained Recommendation Mechanism to Curb Astroturfing in Crowdsourcing Systems.00.342017
New advances in securing cyberspace and curbing crowdturfing.10.352017
Boosting imbalanced data learning with Wiener process oversampling.30.402017
A Hidden Astroturfing Detection Approach Base on Emotion Analysis.00.342017
Beyond the Aggregation of Its Members - A Novel Group Recommender System from the Perspective of Preference Distribution.00.342017
Curbing collusive cyber-gossips for business brand management10.352017
Request routing through collaborative in-network caching for bandwidth optimization: a methodology.00.342017
A differentially private algorithm for location data release90.522016
Exploring probabilistic follow relationship to prevent collusive peer-to-peer piracy10.352016
Energy Efficient Sleep Schedule with Service Coverage Guarantee in Wireless Sensor Networks30.382016
Recover Fault Services via Complex Service-to-Node Mappings in Wireless Sensor Networks20.372015
Two-Phased Event Causality Acquisition: Coupling the Boundary Identification and Argument Identification Approaches.00.342015
Cross-Modal Similarity Learning: A Low Rank Bilinear Formulation.160.572015
Lingo: Linearized Grassmannian Optimization for Nuclear Norm Minimization50.422015
Bloom filter-based workflow management to enable QoS guarantee in wireless sensor networks90.462014
A DBN-Based Classifying Approach to Discover the Internet Water Army.00.342014
A block-aware hybrid data dissemination with hotspot elimination in wireless sensor network10.362014
Context-Aware Service Ranking in Wireless Sensor Networks120.572014
A novel cache size optimization scheme based on manifold learning in Content Centric Networking150.642014
Privacy Preserving In Location Data Release: A Differential Privacy Approach10.352014
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