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First Implementation of a Normalized Hotspot Index on Himawari-8 and GOES-R Data for the Active Volcanoes Monitoring: Results and Future Developments.00.342022
Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Data Using ACTRIS/EARLINET Ground-Based LIDAR Measurements.00.342020
The VIIRS-Based RST-FLARE Configuration: The Val d'Agri Oil Center Gas Flaring Investigation in Between 2015-2019.00.342020
Modeling and Multi-Temporal Characterization of Total Suspended Matter by the Combined Use of Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8-OLI Data: The Pertusillo Lake Case Study (Italy).00.342020
A Google Earth Engine Tool to Investigate, Map and Monitor Volcanic Thermal Anomalies at Global Scale by Means of Mid-High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data.00.342020
The July/August 2019 Lava Flows at the Sciara del Fuoco, Stromboli-Analysis from Multi-Sensor Infrared Satellite Imagery.00.342019
On the Potential of RST-FLOOD on Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Data for Flooded Areas Detection.00.342019
Improving the RST-OIL Algorithm for Oil Spill Detection under Severe Sun Glint Conditions00.342019
A Multi-Channel Algorithm for Mapping Volcanic Thermal Anomalies by Means of Sentinel-2 MSI and Landsat-8 OLI Data00.342019
Investigating Volcanic Plumes from Mt. Etna Eruptions of December 2015 by Means of AVHRR and SEVIRI Data.00.342019
Comparing Two Independent Satellite-Based Algorithms for Detecting and Tracking Ash Clouds by Using SEVIRI Sensor.20.562018
Evaluation of MODIS - Aqua Chlorophyll-a Algorithms in the Basilicata Ionian Coastal Waters.00.342018
On the Potential of the RST-FLARE Algorithm for Gas Flaring Characterization from Space.00.342018
The Contribution of Multi-Sensor Infrared Satellite Observations to Monitor Mt. Etna (Italy) Activity during May to August 2016.00.342018
Monitoring the Agung (Indonesia) Ash Plume of November 2017 by Means of Infrared Himawari 8 Data.20.532018
Assessing Performance of the RSTVOLC Multi-Temporal Algorithm in Detecting Subtle Hot Spots at Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania, Africa) for Comparison with MODLEN.00.342018
A MODIS-Based Robust Satellite Technique (RST) for Timely Detection of Oil Spilled Areas.20.742017
An Enhanced Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting and Tracking Dust Outbreaks by Means of SEVIRI Data.30.662017
Issues and Possible Improvements in Winter Fires Detection by Satellite Radiances Analysis: Lesson Learned in Two Regions of Northern Italy.10.402017
An innovative system for sharing, integration and visualization of heterogeneous 4D-information00.342016
On the Potential of Robust Satellite Techniques Approach for SPM Monitoring in Coastal Waters: Implementation and Application over the Basilicata Ionian Coastal Waters Using MODIS-Aqua.00.342016
Thermal Monitoring of Eyjafjöll Volcano Eruptions by Means of Infrared MODIS Data30.582014
A Multitemporal Investigation of AMSR-E C-Band Radio-Frequency Interference.00.342013
PRE-EARTHQUAKES, an FP7 project for integrating observations and knowledges on earthquake precursors: Preliminary results and strategy.00.342012
An advanced tool of the CNR IMAA EO facilities: Overview of the TASI-600 hyperspectral thermal spectrometer20.552011
On the potential of the AMSR-E based Polarization Ratio Variation Index (PRVI) for soil wetness variations monitoring10.352010
A Robust Satellite Technique (RST) for dust storm detection and monitoring: The case of 2009 Australian event00.342010
On the Exportability of Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) for Active Volcano Monitoring61.892010
Robust Satellite Techniques for Thermal Volcanic Activity Monitoring, Early Warning and Possible Prediction of New Eruptive Events22.092009