ISISTAN Research Institute, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnic ...
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A Software Architecture Perspective About Moodle Flexibility For Supporting Empirical Research Of Teaching Theories20.452021
Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environments - A Review of the Literature.10.362017
Approximate string matching: A lightweight approach to recognize gestures with Kinect.30.382017
Unsupervised Learning For Detecting Refactoring Opportunities In Service-Oriented Applications10.352016
Measuring the Impact of Agile Coaching on Students' Performance.50.522016
Artificial intelligence in service-oriented software design.30.432016
Towards better Scrum learning using learning styles10.402016
Virtual Scrum: A teaching aid to introduce undergraduate software engineering students to scrum90.622015
An intelligent tutor for teaching software design patterns30.452014
Survey on network-based botnet detection methods90.782014
EasySOC: Making web service outsourcing easier30.372014
NLP-based faceted search: Experience in the development of a science and technology search engine50.452014
A software support to initiate systems engineering students in service-oriented computing00.342014
Are learning styles useful indicators to discover how students use Scrum for the first time?70.732014
An agent specific planning algorithm10.412012
Mining textual requirements to assist architectural software design: a state of the art review50.492012
Information Diffusion in Web Services Networks40.442012
Functional grouping of natural language requirements for assistance in architectural software design130.622012
The EasySOC Project: A Rich Catalog of Best Practices for Developing Web Service Applications50.452011
Introducing mobile devices into Grid systems: a survey241.032011
A software tool for semi-automatic gridification of resource-intensive Java bytecodes and its application to ray tracing and sequence alignment40.392011
A Novel Mechanism for Gridification of Compiled Java Applications.30.372011
A Survey of Approaches to Web Service Discovery in Service-Oriented Architectures360.992011
SWAM: A logic-based mobile agent programming language for the Semantic Web40.482011
Combining query-by-example and query expansion for simplifying web service discovery70.462011
A programming model for the semantic web00.342011
Teaching scrum to software engineering students with virtual reality support00.342011
Combining document classification and ontology alignment for semantically enriching web services60.502010
Identification of non-functional requirements in textual specifications: A semi-supervised learning approach441.122010
Revising WSDL Documents: Why and How140.602010
An approach for non-intrusively adding malleable fork/join parallelism into ordinary JavaBean compliant applications80.432010
m-JGRIM: a novel middleware for Gridifying Java applications into mobile Grid services00.342010
Automatically Detecting Opportunities for Web Service Descriptions Improvement220.842010
On the evaluation of gridification effort and runtime aspects of JGRIM applications50.542010
Improving Web Service descriptions for effective service discovery411.422010
Separation of concerns in service-oriented applications based on pervasive design patterns90.532010
JEETuningExpert: A software assistant for improving Java Enterprise Edition application performance30.422009
Chronos: A multi-agent system for distributed automatic meeting scheduling140.672009
Semi-Supervised Classification of Non-Functional Requirements: An Empirical Analysis20.402009
Intelligent assistance for teachers in collaborative e-learning environments261.522009
Grid-Enabling Applications With Jgrim30.372009
JGRIM: An approach for easy gridification of applications80.462008
AWSC: An approach to Web service classification based on machine learning techniques261.042008
A Peer-To-Peer Communication Infrastructure For Groupware Applications10.352008
Query by example for web services110.582008
GMAC: An overlay multicast network for mobile agent platforms70.432008
Easy web service discovery: A query-by-example approach381.722008
A survey on approaches to gridification140.742008
A decentralized middleware for groupware applications10.392007
Evaluating Bayesian networks' precision for detecting students' learning styles1187.212007
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