International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria
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Crowdsourcing In-Situ Data Collection Using Gamification00.342021
Developing food, water and energy nexus workflows20.412020
Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries in Highly Fragmented Agricultural Landscapes of Ethiopia with Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery.00.342019
An Exploration of Some Pitfalls of Thematic Map Assessment Using the New Map Tools Resource.40.512018
Engaging Citizens In Environmental Monitoring Via Gaming00.342018
Integrated Participatory and Collaborative Risk Mapping for Enhancing Disaster Resilience.30.682018
Increasing the Accuracy of Crowdsourced Information on Land Cover via a Voting Procedure Weighted by Information Inferred from the Contributed Data.00.342018
Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Land Cover Reference Data.00.342017
Validation of Automatically Generated Global and Regional Cropland Data Sets: The Case of Tanzania.10.402017
The Role of Citizen Science in Earth Observation.20.452017
LACO-Wiki: A New Online Land Cover Validation Tool Demonstrated Using GlobeLand30 for Kenya.30.442017
European Landscape Dynamics: CORINE Land Cover Data, Jan Feranec, Tomas Soukup, Gerard Hazeu, Gabriel Jaffrain. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2016).00.342017
Limitations of Majority Agreement in Crowdsourced Image Interpretation.40.512017
Geographically weighted evidence combination approaches for combining discordant and inconsistent volunteered geographical information.10.362016
Assessing quality of volunteer crowdsourcing contributions: lessons from the Cropland Capture game.80.712016
Crowdsourcing In-Situ Data on Land Cover and Land Use Using Gamification and Mobile Technology.10.372016
Towards an Integrated Global Land Cover Monitoring and Mapping System.00.342016
Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science or Volunteered Geographic Information? The Current State of Crowdsourced Geographic Information.342.452016
A Unified Cropland Layer at 250 m for Global Agriculture Monitoring20.402016
Contributing to WUDAPT: A Local Climate Zone Classification of Two Cities in Ukraine.10.392016
Local Knowledge and Professional Background Have a Minimal Impact on Volunteer Citizen Science Performance in a Land-Cover Classification Task.10.372016
Investigating the Feasibility of Geo-Tagged Photographs as Sources of Land Cover Input Data.100.602016
Comparison of Data Fusion Methods Using Crowdsourced Data in Creating a Hybrid Forest Cover Map.00.342016
The Cropland Capture Game: Good Annotators Versus Vote Aggregation Methods.00.342016
Vote Aggregation Techniques in the Geo-Wiki Crowdsourcing Game: A Case Study.00.342016
Cropland Capture - A Game for Improving Global Cropland Maps.20.382015
A Meta-Analysis on the Return on Investment of Geospatial Data and Systems: A Multi-Country Perspective.20.352015
Mapping Priorities to Focus Cropland Mapping Activities: Fitness Assessment of Existing Global, Regional and National Cropland Maps150.762015
Spatial Accuracy Assessment and Integration of Global Land Cover Datasets40.442015
Geography Geo-Wiki In The Classroom: Using Crowdsourcing To Enhance Geographical Teaching00.342014
Landspotting - Games for improving global land cover.20.392013
Assessing the Accuracy of Volunteered Geographic Information arising from Multiple Contributors to an Internet Based Collaborative Project.261.212013
Comparing Expert and Non-expert Conceptualisations of the Land: An Analysis of Crowdsourced Land Cover Data.30.422013
Harmonizing and Combining Existing Land Cover/Land Use Datasets for Cropland Area Monitoring at the African Continental Scale262.372013
The Rise of Collaborative Mapping: Trends and Future Directions.30.422013
Using control data to determine the reliability of volunteered geographic information about land cover.311.922013
Geo-Wiki: An online platform for improving global land cover.583.282012
Building a crowd-sourcing tool for the validation of urban extent and gridded population51.342011
Different methods, different wilds: Evaluating alternative mappings of wildness using fuzzy MCE and Dempster-Shafer MCE30.422010
Comparison Of Global Land Cover Products: Community Remote Sensing To Validate Areas Of High Disagreement00.342010
Geo-Wiki.Org: The Use of Crowdsourcing to Improve Global Land Cover747.932009
A Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Benefits of a Global Earth Observation System of Systems101.312008
The use of MODIS data to derive acreage estimations for larger fields: A case study in the south-western Rostov region of Russia91.692008
A method to compare and improve land cover datasets: application to the GLC-2000 and MODIS land cover products83.702006
Comparison Of Land Cover Maps Using Fuzzy Agreement233.282005