Univ Perugia, Elect & Informat Engn Dept, I-06100 Perugia, Italy
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Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature in Land Surface Models: A Review00.342022
A Response Of Snow Cover To The Climate In The Northwest Himalaya (Nwh) Using Satellite Products00.342021
Sensitivity Analysis and Validation of Daytime and Nighttime Land Surface Temperature Retrievals from Landsat 8 Using Different Algorithms and Emissivity Models.00.342020
Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 5, 7, and 8 over Rural Areas: Assessment of Different Retrieval Algorithms and Emissivity Models and Toolbox Implementation.00.342020
Noncontact Measurement of River Surface Velocity and Discharge Estimation With a Low-Cost Doppler Radar Sensor.00.342020
Albedo Retrieval From Sentinel-2 by New Narrow-to-Broadband Conversion Coefficients00.342020
The Impact of the Land Cover Dynamics on Surface Urban Heat Island Variations in Semi-Arid Cities: A Case Study in Ahmedabad City, India, Using Multi-Sensor/Source Data.00.342019
Spatiotemporal Analysis of MODIS NDVI in the Semi-Arid Region of Kurdistan (Iran).00.342019
Satellite Remote Sensing of Surface Urban Heat Islands: Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives.50.492019
Urban Heat Island Analysis over the Land Use Zoning Plan of Bangkok by Means of Landsat 8 Imagery.40.522018
Satellite Images and Gaussian Parameterization for an Extensive Analysis of Urban Heat Islands in Thailand.20.382018
An Efficient Gain Estimation in the Calibration of Noise-Adding Total Power Radiometers for Radiometric Resolution Improvement.10.352018
Land Surface Temperature and Urban Density: Multiyear Modeling and Relationship Analysis Using MODIS and Landsat Data.30.412018
A Novel Sensor Based on a Single-Pixel Microwave Radiometer for Warm Object Counting: Concept Validation and IoT Perspectives.10.352017
Albedo and surface temperature relation in urban areas: Analysis with different sensors00.342017
Albedo Retrieval From Multispectral Landsat 8 Observation in Urban Environment: Algorithm Validation by in situ Measurements.20.392017
Downscaling of Land Surface Temperature Using Airborne High-Resolution Data: A Case Study on Aprilia, Italy.20.472017
A 24-GHz Front-End Integrated on a Multilayer Cellulose-Based Substrate for Doppler Radar Sensors.10.372017
Downscaling of Landsat and MODIS Land Surface Temperature Over the Heterogeneous Urban Area of Milan.10.432016
Microwave Radiometers for Fire Detection in Trains: Theory and Feasibility Study.10.382016
A Stable Gaussian Fitting Procedure for the Parameterization of Remote Sensed Thermal Images.20.392015
Downscaling Of The Land Surface Temperature Over Urban Area Using Landsat Data00.342015
Analysis of Albedo Influence on Surface Urban Heat Island by Spaceborne Detection and Airborne Thermography00.342015
Modeling and Sensing the Vertical Structure of the Atmospheric Path Delay by Microwave Radiometry to Correct SAR Interferograms10.402014
Neural network for the satellite retrieval of precipitable water vapor over land00.342010
Satellite and Ground-Based Sensors for the Urban Heat Island Analysis in the City of Rome111.292010
Fire Detection by Microwave Radiometric Sensors: Modeling a Scenario in the Presence of Obstacles40.572010
Comparison Of Different Neural Network Approaches For The Tropospheric Profiling Over The Inter-Tropical Lands Using Gps Radio Occultation Data20.412009
A Low-Cost Microwave Radiometer for the Detection of Fire in Forest Environments71.052008
Neural Networks For Tropospheric Profiling From Gps-Leo Radio Occultation00.342007
Cloud Model Studies For The Simulation Of Brightness Temperatures00.342006
Integration Of Digital Elevation Data Scanning 3d And Interferometric Sar Systems00.342004
Passive calibration of the backscattering coefficient of the ENVISAT RA-2: evaluation of radiative models for sea and land00.342002
Monitoring atmospheric water vapour using GPS measurements during precipitation events10.482002
Mapping of precipitable water vapour by integrating measurements of ground-based GPS receivers and satellite-based microwave radiometers10.632002