Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Math Sci Comp Sci & Technol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China
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Congestion-Aware Traffic Allocation for Geo-Distributed Data Centers00.342022
A Tag-Correlation-Based Approach to Fast Identification of Group Tags00.342022
Trading Cost and Throughput in Geo-Distributed Analytics With A Two Time Scale Approach00.342022
Scalable Distributed Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search00.342022
A New Perspective on the Effects of Spectrum in Graph Neural Networks.00.342022
Hash Learning With Variable Quantization for Large-Scale Retrieval10.352022
Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer for Image Retrieval00.342021
Cost as Performance: VNF Placement at the Edge00.342021
Scheduling Mix-Coflows in Datacenter Networks00.342021
Near-convex decomposition of 2D shape using visibility range00.342021
Click-Up: Toward The Software Upgrade Of Click-Based Modular Network Function00.342021
DPCell: Constructing Novel Architectures of Data Center Networks on Dual-Port Servers00.342021
WECAN: an Efficient West-East Control Associated Network for Large-Scale SDN Systems00.342020
Geographical Correlation-Based Data Collection for Sensor-Augmented RFID Systems00.342020
Intelligent Trajectory Inference Through Cellular Signaling Data10.352020
Medical Image Super-Resolution Via Granular Multi-Scale Network In Nsct Domain00.342020
General Distributed Hash Learning on Image Descriptors for $k$-Nearest Neighbor Search.10.352019
An Effective Network Intrusion Detection Framework Based on Learning to Hash00.342019
An Active Controller Selection Scheme for Minimizing Packet-In Processing Latency in SDN00.342019
Astir: Spatio-Temporal Data Mining For Crowd Flow Prediction00.342019
A Framework for Resource-aware Online Traffic Classification Using CNN10.342019
D2D-Assisted Computation Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing Systems with Energy Harvesting10.352019
Cost-minimizing Bandwidth Guarantee for Inter-datacenter Traffic10.352019
Special issue: BigDataSE 2016.00.342018
Optimizing the Cost-Performance Tradeoff for Coflows Across Geo-Distributed Datacenters.00.342018
A decision-making solution for cloud storage system.00.342018
CPSS - A study of Cyber Physical System as a Software-defined Service.10.352018
iDaaS: Inter-Datacenter Network as a Service.00.342018
TrafficShaper: Shaping Inter-Datacenter Traffic to Reduce the Transmission Cost.30.402018
Binary Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search on Big Data: A Survey.90.482018
Leveraging Endpoint Flexibility when Scheduling Coflows across Geo-distributed Datacenters.00.342018
Pinpointing Anomaly RFID Tags: Situation and Opportunities.20.382017
A Decision Support Scheme for Cloud Storage00.342017
Joint correlation exploitation and network coding in two-way relaying systems.00.342017
An efficient deep learning hashing neural network for mobile visual search.00.342017
Hash Ranking With Weighted Asymmetric Distance for Image Search.00.342017
Profit-aware scheduling in task-level for datacenter networks.00.342017
New advances in future network technologies.00.342017
More Peak, Less Differentiation: Towards A Pricing-Aware Online Control Framework For Inter-Datacenter Transfers10.352017
Revisiting the Effectiveness of Off-the-shelf Temporal Modeling Approaches for Large-scale Video Classification.50.472017
Deep learning hashing for mobile visual search.130.492017
Communication-aware virtual machine migration in cloud data centres.00.342017
AJSR: an Efficient Multiple Jumps Forwarding Scheme in Software-Defined WAN.00.342017
Probabilistic Frequent Itemsets Mining Based on Expectation Bound over Uncertain Database00.342017
Performance Guaranteed Computation Offloading for Mobile-Edge Cloud Computing.120.522017
Grid-Based Indexing and Search Algorithms for Large-Scale and High-Dimensional Data00.342017
Dynamic scheming the duty cycle in the opportunistic routing sensor network.00.342017
A K self-adaptive SDN controller placement for wide area networks.30.452016
Fast Collection of Data in Sensor-Augmented RFID Networks10.352016
D2CS: Dynamic Duty Cycle Scheme in an Opportunistic Routing Sensor Network00.342015
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