Univ Politecn Cataluna, Remote Sensing Lab, Dept Signal Theory & Commun, ES-08034 Barcelona, Spain
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Improved GNSS-R Altimetry Methods: Theory and Experimental Demonstration Using Airborne Dual Frequency Data from the Microwave Interferometric Reflectometer (MIR)00.342021
An FFT-Based CLEAN Deconvolution Method for Interferometric Microwave Radiometers With Spatially Variable Beam Pattern00.342021
Parameter Considerations for the Retrieval of Surface Soil Moisture from Spaceborne GNSS-R.00.342021
Phase and Baseline Calibration for Microwave Interferometric Radiometers Using Beacons00.342020
Experimental Evidence of Swell Signatures in Airborne L5/E5a GNSS-Reflectometry.00.342020
Single-Pass Soil Moisture Retrievals Using GNSS-R: Lessons Learned.00.342020
The Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry (GNSS-R) Microwave Interferometric Reflectometer: Hardware, Calibration, and Validation Experiments.00.342019
Detecting Targets above the Earth's Surface Using GNSS-R Delay Doppler Maps: Results from TDS-1.00.342019
Satellite Cross-Talk Impact Analysis in Airborne Interferometric Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry with the Microwave Interferometric Reflectometer.00.342019
Gaps Analysis and Requirements Specification for the Evolution of Copernicus System for Polar Regions Monitoring: Addressing the Challenges in the Horizon 2020-2030.10.352018
Design and Optimization of a Polar Satellite Mission to Complement the Copernicus System.10.352018
3CAT-3/MOTS, an Experimental Nanosatellite for Multispectral and GNSS-R Earth Observation: Airborne Optical and GNSS-R Campaign.00.342018
Preliminary End- to-End Results of the MIR Instrument: the Microwave Interferometric Reflectometer.00.342018
Wind Direction Signatures in GNSS-R Observables from Space.00.342018
Sensitivity of TDS-1 GNSS-R Reflectivity to Soil Moisture: Global and Regional Differences and Impact of Different Spatial Scales.10.352018
Sensitivity to Soil Moisture of SP Aceborne GNSS-R Observables.00.342018
Can We Measure Vegetation Water Content And Vegetation Opacity At L-Band With A Single Gps Receiver?00.342016
First Delay Doppler Maps Obtained With The Microwave Inteferometric Reflectometer (Mir)00.342016
Improved MUSIC-Based SMOS RFI Source Detection and Geolocation Algorithm.20.412016
Microwave Imaging Radiometers by Aperture Synthesis - Performance Simulator (Part 1): Radiative Transfer Module.30.492016
Impact Of Multi-Path By Iss Structure On Geros-Iss Measured Waveforms00.342016
Assessment Of Dme/Tacan Rfi Mitigation Techniques In Gnss-R00.342016
Improvement of PAU/PARIS end-to-end performance simulator (P2EPS): Land scattering including topography.00.342016
Evolution Of Pau/Paris End-To-End Performance Simulator ((Peps)-E-2) Towards Gnss Reflectometry, Radio Occulation And Scatterometry Simulator (Geros-Sim)20.432015
Retrieval of Significant Wave Height and Mean Sea Surface Level Using the GNSS-R Interference Pattern Technique: Results From a Three-Month Field Campaign10.372015
Geolocalizing Smos Rfi Sources On The Densely Populated East Asia10.372015
Advances In The Mir Instrument: Integration, Control Subsystem And Analysis Of The Flight Dynamics For Beamsteering Purposes.10.392015
Impact Of The Elevation Angle In The Coherence Time As A Function Of The Sea Wave Height00.342015
Simulation study on tropicial cyclone tracking from the ISS using GNSS-R measurements00.342014
Improving the Accuracy of Soil Moisture Retrievals Using the Phase Difference of the Dual-Polarization GNSS-R Interference Patterns.80.602014
Review of GNSS-R instruments and tools developed at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya-Barcelona tech00.342014
Optimization and Performance Analysis of Interferometric GNSS-R Altimeters: Application to the PARIS IoD Mission181.202014
The Dual Polarization Gnss-R Interference Pattern Technique00.342014
Common Mathematical Framework for Real and Synthetic Aperture by Interferometry Radiometers20.472014
Analysis of Spaceborne GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Tracking60.582014
Improvement of the PAU/PARIS End-to-end Performance Simulator (P2EPS) in preparation for upcoming GNSS-R missions70.752013
Delay Tracking in Spaceborne GNSS-R Ocean Altimetry110.912013
GNSS-R Derived Centimetric Sea Topography: An Airborne Experiment Demonstration141.002013
PAU instrument aboard INTA MicroSat-1: Flight model tests10.382012
Validation and experimental tests of the PAU-synthetic aperture radiometer00.342012
Height precision prediction of the PARIS in orbit demonstrator based on Cramer-Rao bound analysis00.342012
Interferometric GNSS-R achievable altimetric performance and compression/denoising using the wavelet transform: An experimental study30.602012
Snow Thickness Monitoring Using GNSS Measurements.111.002012
Impact of Doppler frequency compensation errors on spaceborne GNSS-R altimetry20.502012
Vegetation Water Content Estimation Using GNSS Measurements20.462012
Optimum Intercalibration Time in Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometers: Application to SMOS10.352012
Submeter ocean altimetry with GPS L1 C/A signal.10.422012
A generic simulator for aperture synthesis radiometers.10.432012
Impact of the observation geometry on the GNSS-R direct descriptors used for sea state monitoring.00.342012
Ocean Surface's Scattering Coefficient Retrieval by Delay-Doppler Map Inversion.211.422011
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