Univ Missouri, Dept Comp Sci, Columbia, MO 65201 USA
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LARNet-STC: Spatio-temporal orthogonal region selection network for laryngeal closure detection in endoscopy videos00.342022
DMNet: Dual-Stream Marker Guided Deep Network for Dense Cell Segmentation and Lineage Tracking00.342021
DMNet: Dual-Stream Marker Guided Deep Network for Dense Cell Segmentation and Lineage Tracking.00.342021
Brain midline shift detection and quantification by a cascaded deep network pipeline on non-contrast computed tomography scans00.342021
Deep learning-based face analysis system for monitoring customer interest10.362020
CorNet - Unsupervised Deep Homography Estimation for Agricultural Aerial Imagery.00.342020
Orthogonal Region Selection Network For Laryngeal Closure Detection In Laryngoscopy Videos00.342020
Multi-Focus Image Fusion For Confocal Microscopy Using U-Net Regression Map00.342020
Mosaicing Of Dynamic Mesentery Video With Gradient Blending00.342020
Motion U-Net: Multi-Cue Encoder-Decoder Network For Motion Segmentation00.342020
Deep Learning Based Landmark Matching For Aerial Geolocalization00.342020
VisDrone-MOT2020 - The Vision Meets Drone Multiple Object Tracking Challenge Results.20.392020
SHREC 2020: Classification in cryo-electron tomograms10.402020
DeepDDK: A Deep Learning based Oral-Diadochokinesis Analysis Software00.342019
VisDrone-MOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Multiple Object Tracking Challenge Results.00.342019
Automated Segmentation of the Vocal Folds in Laryngeal Endoscopy Videos Using Deep Convolutional Regression Networks00.342019
Integrating segmentation with deep learning for enhanced classification of epithelial and stromal tissues in H&E images20.362019
VisDrone-MOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Multiple Object Tracking Challenge Results30.412019
Multi-Cue Vehicle Detection for Semantic Video Compression in Georegistered Aerial Videos.00.342019
Performance Evaluation of Semantic Video Compression using Multi-cue Object Detection00.342019
Facial expression recognition for monitoring neurological disorders based on convolutional neural network.30.392019
Improving Nuclei Classification Performance in H&E Stained Tissue Images Using Fully Convolutional Regression Network and Convolutional Neural Network00.342018
Multi-object Tracking Cascade with Multi-Step Data Association and Occlusion Handling30.412018
Automated Particle Picking In Cryo-Electron Micrographs Using Deep Regression00.342018
iFER: facial expression recognition using automatically selected geometric eye and eyebrow features.00.342018
Performance Evaluation of Feature Descriptors for Aerial Imagery Mosaicking10.352018
Robust Multi-object Tracking for Wide Area Motion Imagery00.342018
Deep Learning Approaches In Electron Microscopy Imaging For Mitochondria Segmentation00.342018
Fast Integral Histogram Computations on GPU for Real-Time Video Analytics.00.342017
Museed: A mobile image analysis application for plant seed morphometry.00.342017
Mitochondria Segmentation In Electron Microscopy Volumes Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network00.342017
Deep Learning-Based Facial Expression Recognition For Monitoring Neurological Disorders00.342017
Vehicle Tracking in Wide Area Motion Imagery using KC- LoFT Multi-Feature Discriminative Modeling00.342017
Robust multi-object tracking with semantic color correlation00.342017
Development Of Semi-Automatic Procedure For Detection And Tracking Of Fiducial Markers For Orofacial Kinematics During Natural Feeding00.342017
CS-LoFT: Color and scale adaptive tracking using max-pooling with bhattacharyya distance10.362016
Semantic Depth Map Fusion for Moving Vehicle Detection in Aerial Video.20.412016
Automatic Video Content Summarization Using Geospatial Mosaics of Aerial Imagery30.392015
Resilient mobile cognition: Algorithms, innovations, and architectures50.532015
The Visual Object Tracking Vot2014 Challenge Results240.972015
Interactive Segmentation Relabeling for Classification of Whole-Slide Histopathology Imagery10.372015
A segmentation-based multi-scale framework for the classification of epithelial and stromal tissues in H&E images10.352015
The Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2016 Challenge Results160.642015
Static and Moving Object Detection Using Flux Tensor with Split Gaussian Models661.562014
The Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results1583.532014
Feature prominence-based weighting scheme for video tracking00.342012
Efficient GPU implementation of the integral histogram70.492012
Coupled edge profile active contours for red blood cell flow analysis.30.452012
Realtime motion detection based on the spatio-temporal median filter using GPU integral histograms20.382012
Persistent target tracking using likelihood fusion in wide-area and full motion video sequences.200.722012
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