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Towards retrieval-based conversational recommendation00.342022
Streaming Session-Based Recommendation: When Graph Neural Networks meet the Neighborhood00.342022
Collaborative Image Understanding00.342022
Mitigating Popularity Bias in Recommendation: Potential and Limits of Calibration Approaches00.342022
INFACT: An Online Human Evaluation Framework for Conversational Recommendation.00.342022
A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems70.622021
Metric-Based Fault Prediction for Spreadsheets00.342021
Session-aware recommendation: A surprising quest for the state-of-the-art40.552021
Comprehending Spreadsheets: Which Strategies do Users Apply?00.342021
Product metrics for spreadsheets—A systematic review00.342021
Semi-Automated Identification of News Story Chains: A New Dataset and Entity-based Labeling Method.00.342021
Critically Examining the Claimed Value of Convolutions over User-Item Embedding Maps for Recommender Systems10.352020
ECOM'20: The SIGIR 2020 Workshop on eCommerce00.342020
Exploring Longitudinal Effects of Session-based Recommendations00.342020
Why Are Deep Learning Models Not Consistently Winning Recommender Systems Competitions Yet?: A Position Paper10.352020
Learning to recommend similar items from human judgments00.342020
Methodological Issues in Recommender Systems Research (Extended Abstract).00.342020
Towards More Impactful Recommender Systems Research.00.342019
Session details: ACM UMAP 2019 Main Track.00.342019
Measuring the impact of online personalisation: Past, present and future.20.362019
Performance comparison of neural and non-neural approaches to session-based recommendation90.472019
Explanations and User Control in Recommender Systems10.372019
Tutorial: Sequence-Aware Recommender Systems00.342019
Are Query-Based Ontology Debuggers Really Helping Knowledge Engineers?10.362019
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on the Impact of Recommender Systems co-located with 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, ImpactRS@RecSys 2019), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 19, 2019.00.342019
On the Importance of News Content Representation in Hybrid Neural Session-based Recommender Systems.00.342019
Sequence-Aware Recommender Systems.230.882018
Combining spreadsheet smells for improved fault prediction.00.342018
Evaluation of Session-based Recommendation Algorithms.190.772018
Optimal pricing in e-commerce based on sparse and noisy data.30.412018
Streamingrec: a framework for benchmarking stream-based news recommenders.60.412018
Offline performance vs. subjective quality experience: a case study in video game recommendation.00.342017
A Comparison of Frequent Pattern Techniques and a Deep Learning Method for Session-Based Recommendation.20.352017
Investigating Personalized Search in E-Commerce.10.352017
Interacting with Recommenders.00.342017
Preface to the Special Issue on Recommender Systems.10.352017
A systematic review and taxonomy of explanations in decision support and recommender systems.100.552017
User Perception of Next-Track Music Recommendations.20.362017
Price and Profit Awareness in Recommender Systems.30.452017
Leveraging multi-dimensional user models for personalized next-track music recommendation.70.492017
Session-based item recommendation in e-commerce: on short-term intents, reminders, trends and discounts.100.522017
Determining characteristics of successful recommendations from log data: a case study.80.512017
Biases in Automated Music Playlist Generation: A Comparison of Next-Track Recommending Techniques.30.402016
Investigating Mere-Presence Effects of Recommendations on the Consumer Choice Process.10.362016
Personalized Next-Track Music Recommendation with Multi-dimensional Long-Term Preference Signals.10.352016
Finding errors in the Enron spreadsheet corpus.40.412016
Clustering- and regression-based multi-criteria collaborative filtering with incremental updates.230.712015
Adaptive Recommendation-based Modeling Support for Data Analysis Workflows20.382015
Item Familiarity as a Possible Confounding Factor in User-Centric Recommender Systems Evaluation.70.512015
What recommenders recommend: an analysis of recommendation biases and possible countermeasures331.022015
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