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Profiling Students' Self-Regulation With Learning Analytics: A Proof of Concept00.342022
Integrating Micro-Learning Content In Traditional E-Learning Platforms10.362021
Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2019 - Learning analytics in higher education.00.342019
Analyzing Student Interactions with Online Learning Contents in a Flipped Classroom Setting00.342019
Predictors and early warning systems in higher education - A systematic literature review.00.342019
Exploring the application of process mining to support self-regulated learning: An initial analysis with video lectures.00.342018
An xAPI Application Profile to Monitor Self-Regulated Learning Strategies.00.342018
Using a Chatterbot as a FAQ Assistant in a Course about Computers Architecture.00.342018
Learning Analytics to Improve the Effectiveness of Continuous Assessment.00.342018
Introducing lean and agile methodologies into engineering higher education: The cases of Greece, Portugal, Spain and Estonia.00.342018
How do you sleep? Using off the shelf wrist wearables to estimate sleep quality, sleepiness level, chronotype and sleep regularity indicators.70.552018
Learning analytics trends and challenges in engineering education: SNOLA special session.00.342018
Ongoing Research About the Use of Commercial-off-the-shelf Wrist Wearables in Educational Contexts.00.342017
Toward the Implementation of Relevance and Reputation Indicators in Edu-AREA.00.342016
Calculation of Sleep Indicators in Students Using Smartphones and Wearables.10.372016
NLAST: A natural language assistant for students.00.342016
eCity: Virtual city environment for engineering problem based learning00.342015
xAPI-SRL: Uses of an application profile for self-regulated learning based on the analysis of learning strategies20.572015
A Keyword Recommendation Experiment to Support Information Organization and Folksonomies in Edu-AREA00.342015
Supporting real open educational resources in Edu-AREA: Different views about open educational resources00.342015
Opening Lesson Plans to Support Teaching Innovation and Open Educational Resources Adoption00.342014
Towards the recognition of relevance and reputation in Edu-AREA10.362014
Re-engineering the Uptake of ICT in Schools.00.342013
Experiencing a Web-based Audience Response System in engineering lectures10.372013
Applying the Widget Paradigm to Learning Design: Towards a New Level of User Adoption.10.372013
Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica TAEE 2012.00.342012
Editorial Especial: La Formación en Electrónica en los Nuevos Grados: Acercando el Futuro.00.342011
Integrating games from an external provider in the PoEML e-learning platform.00.342011
Challenges in Educational Modelling: Expressiveness of IMS Learning Design.00.342010
Remote Permission Management in Third-Party Tools and e-Learning Systems00.342010
Editorial FINTDI 2009.00.342010
Visual instructional design languages20.522010
Execution Model and Authoring Middleware Enabling Dynamic Adaptation in Educational Scenarios Scripted with PoEML40.582010
Design Of A Flexible And Adaptable Lms Engine In Conformance With Poeml10.482009
Reverse OAuth: A solution to achieve delegated authorizations in single sign-on e-learning systems40.512009
Towards A Generalized Architecture For The Integration Of Tools In Lmss20.502009
Hacia una Arquitectura para Sistemas de e-learning Basada en PoEML00.342009
Supporting the Modeling of Flexible Educational Units PoEML: A Separation of Concerns Approach.121.532007
A Modeling Language for Collaborative Learning Educational Units - Supporting the Coordination of Collaborative Activities10.372007
Un Lenguaje Gráfico para el Modelado de Unidades Didácticas en Ingeniería00.342007
Engineering Modular Web-based Education Systems to Support EML Units of Learning00.342006
From Contents to Activities: Modelling Units of Learning20.792005
A Proposal for a Web Service-based Architecture to Support the Enhancement Of Units of Learning00.342005
Towards an Enhanced Learning Design Language00.342004