College of Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University, P.O. Box 17555, Al-Ain, UAE.
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Level-5 Autonomous Driving—Are We There Yet? A Review of Research Literature00.342023
A Novel Multifaceted Trust Management Framework for Vehicular Networks00.342022
Game-based learning platform to enhance cybersecurity education00.342022
A journey towards fully autonomous driving - fueled by a smart communication system00.342022
Decision tree based user-centric security solution for critical IoT infrastructure10.362022
Edge-centric trust management in vehicular networks20.362021
Enhanced Dyna-QPC model with Fuzzy logic to train gaming models00.342021
Road Accident Severity Prediction — A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms00.342021
DVFS-Based Quality Maximization for Adaptive Applications With Diminishing Return00.342021
Correction to “Efficient Data Dissemination for Urban Vehicular Environments”00.342021
Query Expansion Framework Leveraging Clinical Diagnosis Information Ontology00.342020
Application of Containerized Microservice Approach to Airline Sentiment Analysis00.342020
Heuristic Based Routing Algorithms for Vehicular Network Using Tabu Search and ANN00.342020
Application of Differential Privacy Approach in Healthcare Data – A Case Study00.342020
Machine learning based trust management framework for vehicular networks30.392020
A Traffic-Aware Approach for Enabling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Smart City Scenarios.10.352019
Trust Enforcement in Vehicular Networks: Challenges and Opportunities10.352019
Efficient Data Dissemination for Urban Vehicular Environments30.392019
Exploiting Vehicular Communication Systems for Improving Traffic Safety in the UAE00.342019
Exploiting Mobile Edge Computing for Enhancing Vehicular Applications in Smart Cities.10.342019
IoT-Based Wireless Polysomnography Intelligent System for Sleep Monitoring.20.382018
Accurate Traffic Flow Prediction in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks in an Intelligent Transport System Using a Supervised Non-Parametric Classifier.20.372018
Building Scalable Mobile Edge Computing by Enhancing Quality of Services00.342018
A Novel Approach to Enhance the Physical Layer Channel Security of Wireless Cooperative Vehicular Communication Using Decode-and-Forward Best Relaying Selection.10.362018
Edge of Things: The Big Picture on the Integration of Edge, IoT and the Cloud in a Distributed Computing Environment.140.572018
Congestion Detection and Propagation in Urban Areas Using Histogram Models10.352018
A Cost Effective Route Guidance Method for Urban Areas Using Histograms.00.342017
Benchmarking Of Recommendation Trust Computation For Trust/Trustworthiness Estimation In Hdns00.342017
Hba-Histogram Based Algorithm For Real Time Route Forecasting In Urban Area10.362016
Urban Area Congestion Detection And Propagation Using Histogram Model00.342016
Autonomous real time route guidance in inter-vehicular communication urban networks.80.602015
Mobility analysis in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET).70.422013
A Novel Cluster-Based Protocol for Topology Discovery in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network.60.452012
QoS guarantee for multimedia traffic in smart homes20.432010
A Position-Based Broadcast Relay Approach in Mobile Vehicle-to-Vehicle Network00.342010
An adaptive heuristic algorithm for VLSI test vectors selection00.342009
A dynamic network discovery and selection method for heterogeneous wireless networks30.422009
Experimental Evaluation and Characterization of Long-Distance 802.11g Links20.382008
Quality of service models for heterogeneous networks: overview and challenges.131.892008
A novel covert channel based on the IP header record route option70.632007
Event Boundary Detection Using Autonomous Agents in a Sensor Network20.392007
Traceroute based IP channel for sending hidden short messages70.662006
Framework for performance engineering of OSPF software00.342006
Novel Heuristic and Genetic Algorithms for the VLSI Test Coverage Problem00.342006
A Framework for Performance Characterization and Enhancement of the OSPF Routing Protocol10.392005
Automation support for software performance engineering80.892001