Inst. Nat. de Recherche en Inf. et Autom., Le Chesnay
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On generalizing the power function exponent constructions with genetic programming.00.342022
Editorial: Special issue on Boolean functions and their applications 202100.342022
On Two Fundamental Problems on APN Power Functions20.382022
An Optimal Universal Construction for the Threshold Implementation of Bijective S-boxes.00.342022
Relation between o-equivalence and EA-equivalence for Niho bent functions00.342021
Information Leakages in Code-based Masking: A Unified Quantification Approach.00.342021
Evolutionary algorithms-assisted construction of cryptographic boolean functions00.342021
Intrinsic Resiliency of S-Boxes Against Side-Channel Attacks–Best and Worst Scenarios00.342021
A Direct Proof Of Apn-Ness Of The Kasami Functions00.342020
Generalized Isotopic Shift Construction for APN Functions.00.342020
On APN exponents, characterizations of differentially uniform functions by the Walsh transform, and related cyclic-difference-set-like structures.00.342019
Constructing Infinite Families of Low Differential Uniformity (n, m)-Functions with m>n/2.00.342019
Some (almost) optimally extendable linear codes.00.342019
Editorial: Special issue on Boolean functions and their applications 2018.00.342019
Detecting Faults in Inner Product Masking Scheme - IPM-FD: IPM with Fault Detection.00.342019
A new concatenated type construction for LCD codes and isometry codes.30.412018
Statistical properties of side-channel and fault injection attacks using coding theory.20.382018
Classification of Bent Monomials, Constructions of Bent Multinomials and Upper Bounds on the Nonlinearity of Vectorial Functions.00.342018
Two constructions of optimal pairs of linear codes for resisting side channel and fault injection attacks.00.342018
Linear Codes Over 𝔽q Are Equivalent to LCD Codes for q>3.00.342018
On the nonlinearity of monotone Boolean functions.00.342018
Characterizations of the differential uniformity of vectorial functions by the Walsh transform.20.382018
On Upper Bounds for Algebraic Degrees of APN Functions.30.412018
Euclidean and Hermitian LCD MDS codes.120.642018
Changing Points in APN Functions.00.342018
Boolean Functions With Restricted Input And Their Robustness; Application To The Flip Cipher50.552017
Stochastic Collision Attack.00.342017
Construction of Highly Nonlinear 1-Resilient Boolean Functions With Optimal Algebraic Immunity and Provably High Fast Algebraic Immunity.20.372017
Explicit Characterizations for Plateaued-ness of p-ary (Vectorial) Functions.00.342017
New secondary constructions of Bent functions.60.602016
Cryptographic properties of monotone Boolean functions.10.382016
Polynomial Evaluation and Side Channel Analysis.10.362016
Two constructions of balanced Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity, high nonlinearity and good behavior against fast algebraic attacks70.482015
S-boxes, Boolean Functions and Codes for the Resistance of Block Ciphers to Cryptographic Attacks, with or without Side Channels.00.342015
More PS and H-like bent functions.30.432015
Evolutionary Approach for Finding Correlation Immune Boolean Functions of Order t with Minimal Hamming Weight.20.352015
Boolean and Vectorial Plateaued Functions and APN Functions131.072015
Orthogonal Direct Sum Masking A Smartcard Friendly Computation Paradigm In A Code, With Builtin Protection Against Side-Channel And Fault Attacks00.342014
Niho bent functions from quadratic o-monomials30.392014
A Class Of 1-Resilient Boolean Functions With Optimal Algebraic Immunity And Good Behavior Against Fast Algebraic Attacks00.342014
Univariate Niho Bent Functions From o-Polynomials.50.422014
Results on Constructions of Rotation Symmetric Bent and Semi-bent Functions.80.592014
Asymptotic lower bound on the algebraic immunity of random balanced multi-output Boolean functions.00.342013
On the second-order nonlinearities of some bent functions10.362013
Differentially 4-Uniform Bijections by Permuting the Inverse Function.171.022013
New Construction Of Differentially 4-Uniform Bijections60.532013
Theory of masking with codewords in hardware: low-weight $d$th-order correlation-immune Boolean functions.80.512013
PICARO: a block cipher allowing efficient higher-order side-channel resistance220.832012
On Semibent Boolean Functions130.742012
Analysis of the algebraic side channel attack.110.662012
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