INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée, 2004 rue des Lucioles, B.P. 93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis cedex, France
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Flux-aligned quad mesh generation in magnetohydrodynamic simulation00.342022
Tensor decomposition for learning Gaussian mixtures from moments00.342022
Polynomial Spline Spaces Of Non-Uniform Bi-Degree On T-Meshes: Combinatorial Bounds On The Dimension00.342021
Computing the Topology of Voronoï Diagrams of Parallel Half-Lines00.342021
Geometrically smooth spline bases for data fitting and simulation00.342020
Complete Classification and Efficient Determination of Arrangements Formed by Two Ellipsoids00.342020
Interpolatory Catmull-Clark volumetric subdivision over unstructured hexahedral meshes for modeling and simulation applications00.342020
Separation bounds for polynomial systems10.352020
Enumerating the morphology of non-degenerate Darboux cyclides00.342019
Cooperative Visual-Inertial Sensor Fusion: The Analytic Solution.00.342019
Sparse polynomial interpolation: sparse recovery, super-resolution, or Prony?00.342019
Solving Polynomial Systems via Truncated Normal Forms00.342018
Axl, a Geometric Modeler for Semi-algebraic Shapes.10.372018
Solving Polynomial Systems Efficiently and Accurately.00.342018
Truncated normal forms for solving polynomial systems00.342018
Polynomial-Exponential Decomposition From Moments.10.352018
Constructing IGA-suitable planar parameterization from complex CAD boundary by domain partition and global/local optimization.90.552017
Fast Algorithm for Border Bases of Artinian Gorenstein Algebras.20.372017
Decomposition of Low Rank Multi-symmetric Tensor.00.342017
On deflation and multiplicity structure.10.362017
G1-smooth splines on quad meshes with 4-split macro-patch elements.00.342017
Convergence rates for solving elliptic boundary value problems with singular parameterizations in isogeometric analysis.00.342017
Efficient Certification of Numeric Solutions to Eigenproblems.00.342017
Continuous detection of the variations of the intersection curve of two moving quadrics in 3-dimensional projective space20.382016
Dimension and bases for geometrically continuous splines on surfaces of arbitrary topology.70.592016
Border Basis relaxation for polynomial optimization30.412016
Border Basis for Polynomial System Solving and Optimization.00.342016
Efficient construction of multi-block volumetric spline parameterization by discrete mask method20.422015
Toric border basis30.442014
Corrigendum to "Constructing analysis-suitable parameterization of computational domain from CAD boundary by variational harmonic method" [J. Comput. Phys. 252(2013) 275-289].00.342014
Dimensions and bases of hierarchical tensor-product splines80.562014
Bounds on the Dimension of Trivariate Spline Spaces: A Homological Approach.00.342014
The geometry of sound-source localization using non-coplanar microphone arrays.00.342013
Superfast solution of Toeplitz systems based on syzygy reduction20.382013
Constructing analysis-suitable parameterization of computational domain from CAD boundary by variational harmonic method171.022013
Voronoi diagrams of algebraic distance fields.10.372013
Moment matrices, border bases and real radical computation60.452013
Homological techniques for the analysis of the dimension of triangular spline spaces40.652013
Optimal analysis-aware parameterization of computational domain in 3D isogeometric analysis241.232013
A polynomial approach for extracting the extrema of a spherical function and its application in diffusion MRI.40.402013
Analysis-suitable volume parameterization of multi-block computational domain in isogeometric applications421.762013
Border basis representation of a general quotient algebra40.452012
On the isotopic meshing of an algebraic implicit surface70.482012
Yet another algorithm for generalized Voronoï Diagrams00.342012
A construction of injective parameterizations of domains for isogeometric applications.00.342011
Mathemagix: the quest of modularity and efficiency for symbolic and certified numeric computation?50.562011
On continued fraction expansion of real roots of polynomial systems, complexity and condition numbers80.512011
Variational Harmonic Method for Parameterization of Computational Domain in 2D Isogeometric Analysis50.552011
An algebraic approach to continuous collision detection for ellipsoids80.732011
Deflation and certified isolation of singular zeros of polynomial systems180.742011
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