Ohio State Univ, Coll Med, Dept Biomed Informat, Columbus, OH 43210 USA
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Use Of Electronic Health Records To Support A Public Health Response To The Covid-19 Pandemic In The United States: A Perspective From 15 Academic Medical Centers00.342021
Leveraging Data Visualization And A Statewide Health Information Exchange To Support Covid-19 Surveillance And Response: Application Of Public Health Informatics00.342021
Foundations for Studying Clinical Workflow - Development of a Composite Inter-Observer Reliability Assessment for Workflow Time Studies.00.342019
AMIA's code of professional and ethical conduct 2018.10.362018
Clinical decision support alert malfunctions: analysis and empirically derived taxonomy.60.562018
Developing the Indiana Learning Health System Initiative.00.342018
Maturity Models for Research IT and Informatics - Reports from the Field.00.342017
Crossing the health IT chasm: considerations and policy recommendations to overcome current challenges and enable value-based care.50.582017
A Scalable Approach to Federating Distributed Data: The Avec® Platform.00.342017
Methods for Detecting Malfunctions in Clinical Decision Support Systems.00.342017
Developing Governance Structures for Informatics Approaches to Research Recruitment.00.342017
Understanding the Role of Technology for Screening Participants in Clinical Studies.00.342017
Delivering Integrated Research Registries in Academic Health Centers.00.342016
Rethinking the role and impact of health information technology: informatics as an interventional discipline.30.422016
Design of a Scalable and Affordable Local Research Registry Pipeline.00.342016
High Level Architecture and Evaluation of Patient Linkages for READY - An Electronic Measurement Tool for Rheumatoid Arthritis.00.342015
Federated Aggregate Cohort Estimator (FACE): An easy to deploy, vendor neutral, multi-institutional cohort query architecture.20.482014
Community-level determinants of obesity: harnessing the power of electronic health records for retrospective data analysis.50.662014
Challenges Faced When Designing and Conducting Time Motion Studies in Health Care Environments.00.342014
Diagnosis-specific readmission risk prediction using electronic health data: a retrospective cohort study.80.672014
Time motion studies in healthcare: What are we talking about?50.722014
A review of approaches to identifying patient phenotype cohorts using electronic health records.703.662014
Admission data predict risk as well as discharge data in patients with pneumonia: A readmission risk-model evaluation.00.342014
Health data use, stewardship, and governance: ongoing gaps and challenges: a report from AMIA's 2012 Health Policy Meeting.130.762014
Advancing methodologies in Clinical Research Informatics (CRI): Foundational work for a maturing field.20.492014
Identifying Clinical Decision Support Failures using Change-point Detection.20.472014
Inter-Observer Reliability Assessments in Time Motion Studies: The Foundation for Meaningful Clinical Workflow Analysis.20.392013
TimeCaT: a Comprehensive Tool for Time Motion Studies.00.342013
Integrating population- and patient-level data for secondary use of electronic health records to study overweight and obesity.10.482013
Research and applications: Computerized provider documentation: findings and implications of a multisite study of clinicians and administrators.30.432013
Research Informatics : Re-engineering the Research Enterprise.00.342013
Informatics Challenges and the Future of Electronic Clinical Documentation.00.342013
The Computerized Research Record (CoRR): A Web-based Research Record System for Managing Research Support Requests Based on an EHR Metaphor.00.342013
AMIA's Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct.30.442013
Computational challenges and human factors influencing the design and use of clinical research participant eligibility pre-screening tools.110.612012
Computerized Provider Documentation: Impact and Implications for Healthcare Practice, Quality, and Research in the Meaningful Use Era.00.342012
Time Capture Tool (TimeCaT): development of a comprehensive application to support data capture for Time Motion Studies.10.672012
Evaluating alert fatigue over time to EHR-based clinical trial alerts: findings from a randomized controlled study.121.722012
Development of an Informatics-Based Predictive Model for 30-Day Readmission Customized for a Single Hospital System.00.342012
Selected Papers from the 2011 Summit on Clinical Research Informatics00.342011
An exploration of the impact of computerized patient documentation on clinical collaboration131.032011
Case report: Unintended errors with EHR-based result management: a case series10.402010
Foundational biomedical informatics research in the clinical and translational science era: a call to action.30.432010
Research Paper: Clinical Research Informatics: Challenges, Opportunities and Definition for an Emerging Domain00.342009
Physicians' perceptions of an electronic health record-based clinical trial alert approach to subject recruitment: A survey.101.172008
Perceived barriers to information access among medical residents in Iran: obstacles to answering clinical queries in settings with limited Internet accessibility.00.342007
White Paper: A Code of Professional Ethical Conduct for the American Medical Informatics Association: An AMIA Board of Directors Approved White Paper00.342007
Identifying Challenges and Opportunities in Clinical Research Informatics: Analysis of a Facilitated Discussion at the 2006 AMIA Annual Symposium.40.872007
Effect of a Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) System on Medication Orders at a Community Hospital and University Hospital.00.342007
Impacts of PDA-based access to clinical data in a teaching hospital: perceptions of housestaff physicians.00.342006
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