Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, COPPE, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
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Design, Application and Evaluation of PROV-SwProcess: A PROV extension Data Model for Software Development Processes10.372021
@grogest_Ambiental: A Web-based Decision Support System for agribusiness00.342021
Identifying and Recommending Experts Using a Syntactic-Semantic Analysis Approach00.342021
A Recommendation Approach to Diversify the Collaboration Scenario in Global Software Development Contexts00.342021
A Parallel Graph Partitioning Approach To Enhance Community Detection In Social Networks00.342020
Unraveling the semantic evolution of core nodes in a global contribution network00.342020
Pragmatic Interoperability In Iot: A Systematic Mapping Study00.342019
An Approach to Support Data Integration in a Scientific Software Ecosystem Platform00.342019
Deriving strategic information for software development processes using provenance data and ontology techniques.00.342019
Polyflow: A SOA for Analyzing Workflow Heterogeneous Provenance Data in Distributed Environments00.342019
Supporting the Collaborative Research through Semantic Data Integration00.342019
Towards code reviewer recommendation - a systematic review and mapping of the literature.00.342019
Software Processes Analysis with Provenance.00.342018
Semantic Analysis and Complex Networks as Conjugated Techniques Supporting Decision Making.00.342018
Análise de Colaboração em Desenvolvimento Global de Software.00.342018
An ontology-based approach to identify developers in a software ecosystem based on their skillset.00.342018
Complex Network Analysis In A Software Ecosystem: Studying The Eclipse Community00.342018
BROAD-RSI - educational recommender system using social networks interactions and linked data.10.352018
Software Process Improvement through the Combination of Data Provenance, Ontologies and Complex Networks.10.352018
Rational Erdös number and maximum flow as measurement models for scientific social network analysis.00.342018
Provenance data discovery through Semantic Web resources.00.342018
Analyzing scientific context of researchers and communities by using complex network and semantic technologies.40.572018
Context Analysis of Scientific Social Networks00.342018
Health Evaluation in Software Ecosystems.00.342018
Using Context Elements and Data Provenance to Support Reuse in Scientific Software Ecosystem Platform.00.342018
WISP: A pattern-based approach to the interchange of scientific workflow specifications.00.342017
Sistema de Recomendação de Serviços Baseado em uma Arquitetura Aberta para um Ecossistema de Software.00.342017
Qualidade de um Ecossistema de e-Learning - Indicadores de Saúde.00.342017
WIP: Prov-SE-O: A Provenance Ontology to Support Scientists in Scientific Experimentation Process00.342017
R.ECOS - Educational Recommender Ecosystem.00.342017
HEAL ME - An Architecture for Health Software Ecosystem Evaluation.00.342017
Redes Sociais Científicas: análise topológica da influência dos pesquisadores.00.342017
Regression Tests Provenance Data In The Continuous Software Engineering Context00.342017
A Distributed Infrastructure to Support Scientific Experiments.20.402017
An Approach to Configuration Management of Scientific Workflows00.342017
Spotify Characterization As A Software Ecosystem00.342017
ArchiRI - An ontology-based architecture for the exchange of reputation information00.342016
ontoAGA: Ontology to Support Educational Systems Interoperability.00.342016
Towards Pragmatic Interoperability to Support Collaboration: A Systematic Review and Mapping of the Literature100.582016
Software Process Performance Improvement Using Data Provenance and Ontology.10.352016
An Architecture to Enhance Collaboration in Scientific Software Product Line10.372016
SM2PIA: A Model to Support the Development of Pragmatic Interoperability Requirements00.342016
A collaborative approach to support e-science activities10.352016
Scientific provenance metadata capture and management using Semantic Web20.372015
A Semantic Peer to Peer Network to Support e-Science10.352015
A Scientific Software Product Line for the Bioinformatics domain50.482015
Scientific Workflow Interchanging through Patterns: Reversals and Lessons Learned20.402015
PRIME: Pragmatic Interoperability Architecture to Support Collaborative Development of Scientific Workflows30.452015
SciProvMiner - Captura de Proveniência utilizando Recursos Web Semânticos para Ampliação do Conhecimento Gerado e Otimização do Processo de Coleta.00.342014
SISS: Extending semantic interoperability to support collaborative system development and execution20.382014
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