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Decentralized Private Freight Declaration & Tracking with Data Validation00.342022
Efficient Circuits for Permuting and Mapping Packed Values Across Leveled Homomorphic Ciphertexts00.342022
Practical Multi-Party Private Set Intersection Protocols00.342022
Fast Multi-party Private Set Operations in the Star Topology from Secure ANDs and ORs.00.342022
Multi-Party Private Set Intersection Protocols for Practical Applications00.342021
Compare Before You Buy: Privacy-Preserving Selection of Threat Intelligence Providers00.342021
Efficient Joint Random Number Generation for Secure Multi-party Computation00.342021
PREDICT: Efficient Private Disease Susceptibility Testing in Direct-to-Consumer Model00.342020
How to profit from payments channels30.412020
TULIP: A Fully Incentive Compatible Blockchain Framework Amortizing Redundant Communication10.352019
SET-OT: A Secure Equality Testing Protocol Based on Oblivious Transfer00.342019
Decentralized Incentive-Compatible And Sybil-Proof Transaction Advertisement00.342019
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Access Control00.342019
Solving Bin-packing Problems Under Privacy Preservation: Possibilities and Trade-offs00.342019
DECOUPLES - a decentralized, unlinkable and privacy-preserving traceability system for the supply chain.00.342019
MUSCLE - authenticated external data retrieval from multiple sources for smart contracts.00.342019
On the Statistical Detection of Adversarial Instances over Encrypted Data.00.342019
ECONoMy: Ensemble Collaborative Learning Using Masking00.342019
Protecting the grid topology and user consumption patterns during state estimation in smart grids based on data obfuscation00.342019
A Scale-Out Blockchain for Value Transfer with Spontaneous Sharding50.442018
Mining Sequential Patterns from Outsourced Data via Encryption Switching.00.342018
VAPOR: a Value-Centric Blockchain that is Scale-out, Decentralized, and Flexible by Design.00.342018
Transaction Propagation on Permissionless Blockchains: Incentive and Routing Mechanisms30.372018
Efficient Index-based Search Protocols for Encrypted Databases.00.342018
An Efficient Privacy-preserving Recommender System for e-Healthcare Systems.00.342018
BAdASS: Preserving Privacy in Behavioural Advertising with Applied Secret Sharing.00.342018
A Novel Approach For Data Packing: Using Trapdoor Knapsack00.342018
Privacy-preserving Distributed Access Control for Medical Data.00.342018
DEFenD: A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Decentralized System for Freight Declaration.00.342018
Mining Encrypted Software Logs using Alpha Algorithm.00.342017
AHEad: Privacy-preserving online behavioural advertising using homomorphic encryption00.342017
Information Propagation on Permissionless Blockchains.10.342017
A fault-tolerant and efficient scheme for data aggregation over groups in the smart grid00.342017
Improved privacy of dynamic group services00.342017
Privacy-safe linkage analysis with homomorphic encryption.00.342017
Implicit Consensus: Blockchain with Unbounded Throughput.10.352017
An efficient privacy-preserving comparison protocol in smart metering systems.30.402016
Secure matching of dutch car license plates.00.342016
Secure key-exchange protocol for implants using heartbeats.50.532016
Enhancing User Privacy in Federated eID Schemes00.342016
Content-Based Recommendations With Approximate Integer Division00.342015
Secure Comparison Protocols in the Semi-Honest Model50.442015
Private data aggregation with groups for smart grids in a dynamic setting using CRT70.462015
A Signature Scheme For A Dynamic Coalition Defence Environment Without Trusted Third Parties00.342014
Privacy Enhanced Personal Services for Smart Grids30.382014
eFuzz: A Fuzzer for DLMS/COSEM Electricity Meters20.702014
Privacy-Preserving Emotion Detection for Crowd Management.00.342014
Encrypted signal processing for privacy protection: Conveying the utility of homomorphic encryption and multiparty computation973.072013
Privacy Preserving Distributed Beamforming Based On Homomorphic Encryption20.372013
Privacy-Preserving User Data Oriented Services for Groups with Dynamic Participation.60.442013
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