Northeastern University Boston, MA 02115, United States Tel.: +1 617 373 4849; fax: +1 617 373 8970
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RDF object description generator.00.342020
Degrees of Information Relevance in Situation Assessment00.342020
IEEE 1900.5.2: Standard Method for Modeling Spectrum Consumption: Introduction and Use Cases.00.342018
A Method to Identify Relevant Information Sufficient to Answer Situation Dependent Queries20.392018
Dynamic Deployment of Communication Applications to Different Hardware Platforms using Ontological Representations00.342018
Reusability of knowledge for deriving latent situational information in EW scenarios.00.342016
Using UML and OCL for representing multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems30.402014
Comprehension of RDF Data Using Situation Theory and Concept Maps.00.342014
Situational Awareness from Social Media.30.422013
Self-control of the time complexity of a constraint satisfaction problem solver program00.342012
Situation Awareness and Cognitive Modeling120.752012
Situations and policies00.342012
Network composition for situation assessment: A “trusted meeting” case study00.342012
Semantic Policy Enforcement and Reconciliation for Information Exchange in XMPP.00.342011
Self Controlling Tabu Search algorithm for the Quadratic Assignment Problem120.562011
Augmenting the analyst via situation-dependent reasoning with trust-annotated facts30.772011
Current approaches to automated information evaluation and their applicability to Priority Intelligence Requirement answering.50.492010
High Level Information Fusion developments, issues, and grand challenges: Fusion 2010 panel discussion.130.722010
On The Use Of Q(2) Abstractions To Lower The Computational Cost Of Derivation Of Conflict Resolution Advisories In Air Traffic Control10.372010
A Semantic Wiki Alerting Environment Incorporating Credibility and Reliability Evaluation.20.422010
Ontology-based situation awareness743.462009
High-level information fusion and situation awareness10.372009
Towards the formal representation of temporal aspects of Enemy/Threat Courses Of Action.20.382009
A Demonstration of Formal Policy Reasoning Using an Extended Version of BaseVISor20.462008
Problems and prospects for formally representing and reasoning about enemy courses of action.20.452008
Application of Self Controlling Software Approach to Reactive Tabu Search20.382008
Uses of Ontologies in Open Source Blog Mining10.352007
Understanding the Role of Context in the Interpretation of Complex Battlespace Intelligence.70.772006
Issues and Challenges in Situation Assessment (Level 2 Fusion)301.432006
BaseVISor: A Triples-Based Inference Engine Outfitted to Process RuleML and R-Entailment Rules161.582006
An application of semantic web technologies to situation awareness100.602005
Effects of Computation Speed on the Stability of a Self-Controlling Process.10.342005
Using SWRL and OWL to capture domain knowledge for a situation awareness application applied to a supply logistics scenario201.172005
Using a task-specific QoS for controlling sensing requests and scheduling10.362004
Towards a Symptom Ontology for Semantic Web Applications111.612004
Control based sensor management for a multiple radar monitoring scenario60.552004
Formalizing classes of information fusion systems361.972004
Constructing RuleML-Based Domain Theories on Top of OWL Ontologies91.292003
Consistency Checking of Semantic Web Ontologies201.862002
Extending the Unified Modeling Language for ontology development.382.382002
A formal approach to the design of feature-based multi-sensor recognition systems20.742001
Extending UML to Support Ontology Engineering for the Semantic Web635.952001
SSCS: a smart spell checker system implementation using adaptive software architecture10.402001
Consistency Checking of RM-ODP Specifications40.502001
An architecture for software that adapts to changes in requirements50.522000
Mapping an application to a control architecture: specification of the problem60.722000
IRM: The Integrated Reference Model for Open Systems Environments00.341999
Q2 Symbolic Reasoning about Noisy Dynamic Systems00.341999
Capturing a Qualitative Model of Network Perofrmance and Predicting Behavior10.371998
Desktop Agent Manager (Dam): Decision Mechanism20.401997
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