Dalhousie University Halifax Canada
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VOLAP: A Scalable Distributed Real-Time OLAP System for High-Velocity Data.00.342018
Quantifying Eventual Consistency For Aggregate Queries00.342017
The Hilbert PDC-tree: A High-Velocity Structure for Many-Dimensional Data.20.362016
Enhanced Multiobjective Population-Based Incremental Learning with Applications in Risk Treaty Optimization.00.342016
A stochastic adaptive genetic algorithm for solving unconstrained multimodal numerical problems00.342016
Computing probable maximum loss in catastrophe reinsurance portfolios on multi-core and many-core architectures.00.342016
Accelerating R-based analytics on the cloud00.342016
VOLAP: A Scalable Distributed System for Real-Time OLAP with High Velocity Data00.342016
Differential Evolution on a GPGPU: The Influence of Parameters on Speedup and the Quality of Solutions00.342015
Efficient Parallelization of the Google Trigram Method for Document Relatedness Computation.00.342015
Dynamic optimization of multi-layered reinsurance treaties10.412015
Efficient Computation of Co-occurrence Based Word Relatedness10.362015
Scalable real-time OLAP on cloud architectures.60.512015
On VEPSO and VEDE for solving a treaty optimization problem.20.402014
On PBIL, DE and PSO for Optimization of Reinsurance Contracts.20.432014
Parallel MO-PBIL: Computing pareto optimal frontiers efficiently with applications in reinsurance analytics10.392014
Building a scalable spatial OLAP system10.352013
Accounting for secondary uncertainty: efficient computation of portfolio risk measures on multi and many core architectures.00.342013
High performance risk aggregation: addressing the data processing challenge the hadoop mapreduce way.00.342013
OLAP for moving object data00.342013
Developing and Testing the Automated Post-Event Earthquake Loss Estimation and Visualisation (APE-ELEV) Technique.00.342013
A Distributed Tree Data Structure For Real-Time Olap On Cloud Architectures70.432013
A Mapreduce Framework For Analysing Portfolios Of Catastrophic Risk With Secondary Uncertainty10.412013
A Platform for Parallel R-based Analytics on Cloud Infrastructure10.342012
Rapid Post-event Catastrophe Modelling and Visualization20.742012
Parallel catastrophe modelling on a Cell/BE10.432010
Parallel catastrophe modelling on a cell processor10.452009
OLAP for Trajectories30.372008
RCUBE: Parallel Multi-Dimensional ROLAP Indexing80.502008
Compact Hilbert indices: Space-filling curves for domains with unequal side lengths211.102008
PnP: sequential, external memory, and parallel iceberg cube computation30.382008
Storage and Indexing of Relational OLAP Views with Mixed Categorical and Continuous Dimensions00.342007
Adaptive Tuple Differential Coding20.392007
Efficient computation of view subsets30.392007
Compact Hilbert Indices for Multi-Dimensional Data40.452007
Implementing OLAP Query Fragment Aggregation and Recombination for the OLAP Enabled Grid60.412007
Parallel Computation of Skyline Queries180.712007
Improved Data Partitioning for Building Large ROLAP Data Cubes in Parallel80.552006
The cgmCUBE project: Optimizing parallel data cube generation for ROLAP261.092006
The OLAP-Enabled Grid: Model and Query Processing Algorithms120.572006
Adding parallelism to visual data flow programs40.502005
Parallel querying of ROLAP cubes in the presence of hierarchies60.462005
PnP: Parallel And External Memory Iceberg Cubes20.402005
A coarse grained parallel algorithm for closest larger ancestors in trees with applications to single link clustering00.342005
Fast Parallel Maximum Likelihood-Based Protein Phylogeny00.342005
Top-Down Computation of Partial ROLAP Data Cubes60.462004
A Parallel FPT Application For Clusters10.362003
Parallel ROLAP data cube construction on shared-nothing multiprocessors371.502003
Solving large FPT problems on coarse-grained parallel machines432.662003
Parallel Multi-Dimensional ROLAP Indexing191.052003
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