Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
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Data Filtering-Based Parameter And State Estimation Algorithms For State-Space Systems Disturbed By Coloured Noises00.342020
Transport of hybrid type nanomaterials in peristaltic activity of viscous fluid considering nonlinear radiation, entropy optimization and slip effects.00.342020
Global Mittag-Leffler stability analysis of impulsive fractional-order complex-valued BAM neural networks with time varying delays00.342020
L∞-Bounds of solutions of a system of strongly coupled space-time fractional evolution equations.00.342020
Energy flow-guided synchronization between chaotic circuits.00.342020
Numerical solution of MHD flow of power law fluid subject to convective boundary conditions and entropy generation.00.342020
Event-triggered bipartite consensus of multi-agent systems with switching partial couplings and topologies00.342020
Extended dissipativity and event-triggered synchronization for T–S fuzzy Markovian jumping delayed stochastic neural networks with leakage delays via fault-tolerant control60.402020
On the numerical simulation of stagnation point flow of non-Newtonian fluid (Carreau fluid) with Cattaneo-Christov heat flux.00.342020
Entropy optimization analysis in MHD nanomaterials (TiO 2 -GO) flow with homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions.00.342020
Darcy-Forchheimer hybrid (MoS 2 , SiO 2 ) nanofluid flow with entropy generation.00.342020
Existence Results for a Nonlocal Coupled System of Differential Equations Involving Mixed Right and Left Fractional Derivatives and Integrals00.342020
Magneto rotating flow of hybrid nanofluid with entropy generation.00.342020
Cattaneo-Christov (CC) heat flux model for nanomaterial stagnation point flow of Oldroyd-B fluid.00.342020
Electro-magneto flow of nanomaterial with irreversibility.00.342020
Global Stabilization of Fractional-Order Memristor-Based Neural Networks With Time Delay.40.382020
Recursive identification of bilinear time-delay systems through the redundant rule00.342020
Finite-time synchronization of sampled-data Markovian jump complex dynamical networks with additive time-varying delays based on dissipative theory.00.342020
Modeling and computational analysis of 3D radiative stagnation point flow of Darcy-Forchheimer subject to suction/injection.00.342020
Entropy optimized dissipative CNTs based flow with probable error and statistical declaration.00.342020
Analytical evaluation of Oldroyd-B nanoliquid under thermo-solutal Robin conditions and stratifications.00.342020
Irreversibility characterization and investigation of mixed convective reactive flow over a rotating cone.00.342020
Binary chemical reaction with activation energy in rotating flow subject to nonlinear heat flux and heat source/sink00.342020
On systems of reaction–diffusion equations with a balance law: The sequel00.342019
Maximum Likelihood-Based Recursive Least-Squares Estimation For Multivariable Systems Using The Data Filtering Technique00.342019
On non-Fourier flux in nonlinear stretching flow of hyperbolic tangent material00.342019
Out Lag Synchronization of Fractional Order Delayed Complex Networks with Coupling Delay via Pinning Control00.342019
Quasi-projective and complete synchronization of fractional-order complex-valued neural networks with time delays.10.362019
Nonlinear convective flow with variable thermal conductivity and Cattaneo-Christov heat flux.00.342019
Dynamics of a neuron exposed to integer- and fractional-order discontinuous external magnetic flux.00.342019
Dynamics of impulsive neutral-type BAM neural networks10.352019
Partially-Coupled Recursive Least Squares Algorithm For Multivariate Systems Based On The Model Transformation00.342019
Synchronization Control in Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Application to Lengyel-Epstein System.00.342019
Existence Theory for Nonlinear Third-Order Ordinary Differential Equations with Nonlocal Multi-Point and Multi-Strip Boundary Conditions.00.342019
Effects of Hall current and ion-slip on the peristaltic motion of couple stress fluid with thermal deposition.00.342019
Modeling and computational analysis of hybrid class nanomaterials subject to entropy generation.00.342019
Magnetohydrodynamic three-dimensional nonlinear convective flow of viscoelastic nanofluid with heat and mass flux conditions00.342019
Dynamics of a stochastic multigroup SIQR epidemic model with standard incidence rates10.412019
Electromagnetohydrodynamic nanofluid flow past a porous Riga plate containing gyrotactic microorganism00.342019
New Delay-Dependent Stability Criteria for Impulsive Neural Networks with Additive Time-Varying Delay Components and Leakage Term20.362019
Nanomaterial based flow of Prandtl-Eyring (non-Newtonian) fluid using Brownian and thermophoretic diffusion with entropy generation.00.342019
Bifurcation control in the delayed fractional competitive web-site model with incommensurate-order.00.342019
Fitting the exponential autoregressive model through recursive search00.342019
Bell-state generation on remote superconducting qubits with dark photons.00.342018
Flow due to a convectively heated cylinder with nonlinear thermal radiation.00.342018
Projection models for multiple attribute decision making with picture fuzzy information.310.682018
Effects of time delays on stability and Hopf bifurcation in a fractional ring-structured network with arbitrary neurons60.452018
Effects of time delays on stability and Hopf bifurcation in a fractional ring-structured network with arbitrary neurons60.452018
Stagnation point flow of nanomaterial towards nonlinear stretching surface with melting heat.10.432018
Dependence of hidden attractors on non-linearity and Hamilton energy in a class of chaotic system.00.342018
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