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Social Media Chatbot for Increasing Physical Activity - Usability Study.00.342021
Can A Chatbot Increase The Motivation To Provide Personal Health Information?00.342020
Extending Patient Education with CLAIRE - An Interactive Virtual Reality and Voice User Interface Application.00.342020
Towards automatic encoding of medical procedures using convolutional neural networks and autoencoders.00.342019
Towards Emotion-Sensitive Conversational User Interfaces in Healthcare Applications.00.342019
Creating Individualized Education Material for Diabetes Patients Using the eDiabetes Platform.00.342019
Obesity Entity Extraction from Real Outpatient Records: When Learning-Based Methods Meet Small Imbalanced Medical Data Sets10.432019
Exchanging Appointment Data Among Healthcare Institutions.00.342019
Ebola Outbreak Containment: Real-Time Task and Resource Coordination With SORMAS.00.342018
Concept-Based Retrieval from Critical Incident Reports.00.342017
Domain Modeling and Application Development of an Archetype- and XML-based EHRS00.342017
Patient Records Retrieval System for Integrated Care in Treatment of Cervical Spine Defect.00.342016
Patient Centered Event Representation for the Treatment of Multifactorial Diseases: Current Progress and Challenges.00.342016
Extraction and Processing of Rich Semantics from Medical Texts.00.342016
Integrating Social Media and Mobile Sensor Data for Clinical Decision Support: Concept and Requirements.00.342016
Aspect-Oriented Visualization of the Health Status: An Example in Treatment of Cervical Spine Defect.00.342016
The Generation of a Corpus for Clinical Sentiment Analysis.00.342016
Querying standardized EHRs by a Search Ontology XML extension (SOX).00.342016
Automatic Analysis of Critical Incident Reports: Requirements and Use Cases.00.342016
Template and Model Driven Development of Standardized Electronic Health Records.10.412015
Web-tool to Support Medical Experts in Probabilistic Modelling Using Large Bayesian Networks With an Example of Hinosinusitis.00.342015
Clinical Decision Support Based on Integrated Patient Models: A Vision.00.342015
Extraction Of Adverse Events From Clinical Documents To Support Decision Making Using Semantic Preprocessing.00.342015
Rule-based Cervical Spine Defect Classification Using Medical Narratives.10.342015
Archetype based patient data modeling to support treatment of pituitary adenomas.00.342015
Visualizing unstructured patient data for assessing diagnostic and therapeutic history.00.342014
Retrieving Attitudes: Sentiment Analysis from Clinical Narratives.70.462014
Personalized medicine and the need for decision support systems.10.382013
Making knowledge on healthcare technologies understandable: an ontology for lab-on-a-chip systems.00.342013
New Trends in Health Social Media: Hype or Evidence-based Medicine.00.342013
Medical case-driven classification of microblogs: characteristics and annotation60.792012
Epidemic Intelligence for the Crowd, by the Crowd (Full Version)20.492012
Making use of social media data in public health50.562012
Towards personalized learning to rank for epidemic intelligence based on social media streams80.582012
Epidemic Intelligence for the Crowd, by the Crowd.140.652012
Web science and information exchange in the medical web00.342011
Detecting health events on the social web to enable epidemic intelligence80.512011
Challenges for signal generation from medical social media data.00.342011
Second international workshop on web science and information exchange in the medical web (MedEx 2011)00.342011
Event-driven architecture for health event detection from multiple sources.20.402011
First International Workshop on Web Science and Information Exchange in the Medical Web (MedEx 2010): conference report00.342011
Detecting Public Health Indicators from the Web for Epidemic Intelligence.10.512010
A Service-Oriented Architecture for Text Analytics Enabled Business Applications00.342010
Unsupervised public health event detection for epidemic intelligence140.932010
Cross-Corpus Textual Entailment for Sublanguage Analysis in Epidemic Intelligence00.342010
Scalable discovery of contradictions on the web191.342010
Topic detection in noisy data sources30.382010
Text Classification Based On Limited Bibliographic Metadata00.342009
Assessing Content Diversity in Medical Weblogs ?00.342009
Are Sentiwordnet Scores Suited For Multi-Domain Sentiment Classification?100.512009
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