Northwestern University, Evanston, II
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Transformer-enhanced Hawkes process with decoupling training for information cascade prediction00.342022
Mining Spatio-Temporal Relations via Self-Paced Graph Contrastive Learning00.342022
Connecting the Hosts: Street-Level IP Geolocation with Graph Neural Networks00.342022
Contextual spatio-temporal graph representation learning for reinforced human mobility mining10.372022
A Probabilistic Framework for Land Deformation Prediction (Student Abstract).00.342022
Heterogeneous dynamical academic network for learning scientific impact propagation00.342022
Multi-view learning with distinguishable feature fusion for rumor detection00.342022
Dynamic Manifold Learning for Land Deformation Forecasting.00.342022
Land Deformation Prediction Via Slope-Aware Graph Neural Networks00.342021
Semantically Diverse Constrained Queries00.342021
CSD-CMAD: Coupling Similarity and Diversity for Clustering Multivariate Astrophysics Data00.342021
Toward Discriminating and Synthesizing Motion Traces Using Deep Probabilistic Generative Models.00.342021
HGENA: A Hyperbolic Graph Embedding Approach for Network Alignment00.342021
Semantically Diverse Paths with Range and Origin Constraints00.342021
A Survey of Information Cascade Analysis: Models, Predictions, and Recent Advances60.472021
Towards Predicting Vehicular Data Consumption10.352021
Improving Human Mobility Identification With Trajectory Augmentation10.352021
Kernel-Based Structural-Temporal Cascade Learning for Popularity Prediction00.342021
Forecasting the Evolution of Hydropower Generation20.402020
Semantically Diverse Path Search10.352020
CET-LATS - Compressing Evolution of TINs from Location Aware Time Series.00.342020
Fast Network Alignment Via Graph Meta-Learning10.382020
Conference report: The 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2019): Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 5--8, 201900.342020
Recommendation via Collaborative Autoregressive Flows.10.352020
DeepTrip - Adversarially Understanding Human Mobility for Trip Recommendation.10.352019
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, SIGSPATIAL 2019, Chicago, IL, USA, November 5-8, 201900.342019
Information Diffusion Prediction via Recurrent Cascades Convolution90.462019
Real-Time Applications Using High Resolution 3D Objects in High Definition Maps (Systems Paper).20.392019
Motion Based Inference of Social Circles via Self-Attention and Contextualized Embedding.00.342019
Variational Session-based Recommendation Using Normalizing Flows20.372019
Trajectory-based social circle inference.40.382018
DeepLink: A Deep Learning Approach for User Identity Linkage.30.372018
Maximizing area-range sum for spatial shapes (MAxRS3).00.342018
Location-Awareness in Time Series Compression.00.342018
vec2Link: Unifying Heterogeneous Data for Social Link Prediction.30.392018
High definition maps in urban context.20.522018
Targets and Shapes Tracking (Advanced Seminar)00.342018
The 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017) Redondo Beach, California, USA November 7-10, 2017: conference report.00.342018
Class-based Conditional MaxRS Query in Spatial Data Streams.00.342017
Towards Efficient Maintenance of Continuous MaxRS Query for Trajectories.20.392017
Identifying Human Mobility via Trajectory Embeddings.80.522017
Probabilistic Speed Profiling for Multi-Lane Road Networks00.342017
ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016 conference report: the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016): San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA October 31-November 36, 2016.00.342017
Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Scientific Knowledge.00.342017
Distributed In-Network Processing of k-MaxRS in Wireless Sensor Networks.10.362017
Visualization of Range-Constrained Optimal Density Clustering of Trajectories.00.342017
Privacy-preserving detection of anomalous phenomena in crowdsourced environmental sensing using fine-grained weighted voting.00.342017
Compression of Spatio-temporal Data00.342016
Towards fusing uncertain location data from heterogeneous sources.30.412016
Incorporating Weather Updates for Public Transportation Users of Recommendation Systems00.342016
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