Dalhousie Univ, Fac Comp Sci, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada
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Nonuniform Language In Technical Writing: Detection And Correction00.342021
Soft-Error-Immune Read-Stability-Improved SRAM for Multi-Node Upset Tolerance in Space Applications00.342021
Soft-Error-Aware Read-Decoupled SRAM With Multi-Node Recovery for Aerospace Applications00.342021
Design of Soft-Error-Aware SRAM With Multi-Node Upset Recovery for Aerospace Applications00.342021
A Highly Stable Low Power Radiation Hardened Memory-by-Design SRAM for Space Applications00.342021
Predicting Personal Attitudes Using Contextual Microblog Activity Logs00.342020
A Reliable Write Assist Low Power SRAM Cell for Wireless Sensor Network Applications00.342020
Enhanced Energy Savings in Indoor Environments with Effective Daylight Utilization and Area Segregation.00.342020
Predicting Domain Specific Personal Attitudes And Sentiment00.342020
Transmission gate-based 9T SRAM cell for variation resilient low power and reliable internet of things applications10.402019
Unsupervised Ranking Of Numerical Observations Based On Magnetic Properties And Correlation Coefficient00.342019
Design of CNFET based power- and variability-aware nonvolatile RRAM cell00.342019
Design and development of memristor-based RRAM.00.342019
Early Detection Of Rumor Veracity In Social Media00.342019
Helpfulness Prediction of Online Product Reviews00.342018
Design of low power RRAM cell using CNFET00.342018
Recent advances in Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things and Machine Learning.30.372018
Statistical learning for OCR error correction.00.342018
Reliable and Q-Enhanced Floating Active Inductors and Their Application in RF Bandpass Filters.00.342018
Improving text relatedness by incorporating phrase relatedness with word relatedness.00.342018
Integrating Global Attention for Pairwise Text Comparison00.342018
A double trench 4H — SiC MOSFET as an enhanced model of SiC UMOSFET00.342017
Variation-Aware Widely Tunable Nanoscale Design Of Cmos Active Inductor-Based Rf Bandpass Filter10.372017
Design of nonvolatile MRAM bitcell00.342017
Post-Processing OCR Text using Web-Scale Corpora.00.342017
Non-uniform Language Detection in Technical Writing.00.342016
DalGTM at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Importance-Aware Compositional Approach to Short Text Similarity.00.342016
f: Phrase Relatedness Function Using Overlapping Bi-gram Context.00.342016
Design of magnetic tunnel junction-based tunable spin torque oscillator at nanoscale regime.10.382016
Variation Tolerant Differential 8T SRAM Cell for Ultralow Power Applications.10.372016
Statistical Learning for OCR Text Correction.00.342016
Reddit Temporal N-gram Corpus and its Applications on Paraphrase and Semantic Similarity in Social Media using a Topic-based Latent Semantic Analysis.00.342016
Comparative analysis of various 9T SRAM cell at 22-nm technology node00.342015
Do Important Words in Bag-of-Words Model of Text Relatedness Help?10.362015
Efficient Parallelization of the Google Trigram Method for Document Relatedness Computation.00.342015
When Was Macbeth Written? Mapping Book To Time00.342015
Similarity-Based Support for Text Reuse in Technical Writing40.492015
Real Time Filtering of Tweets Using Wikipedia Concepts and Google Tri-gram Semantic Relatedness.10.352015
Efficient Computation of Co-occurrence Based Word Relatedness10.362015
TrWP: Text Relatedness using Word and Phrase Relatedness.20.372015
Circuit-level design technique to mitigate impact of process, voltage and temperature variations in complementary metal-oxide semiconductor full adder cells50.532015
How Document Properties Affect Document Relatedness Measures00.342014
Allocation Of Electric Vehicles' Parking Lots In Distribution Network50.632014
Using google n-grams to expand word-emotion association lexicon30.392013
A technique to mitigate impact of process, voltage and temperature variations on design metrics of SRAM Cell.90.622012
Text similarity using google tri-grams210.922012
Variability aware low leakage reliable SRAM cell design technique.70.572012
Comparing Word Relatedness Measures Based on Google $n$-grams.100.602012
Low Active Power High Speed Cache Design00.342011
Correcting different types of errors in texts20.412011
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