Linköping University; Sweden
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Comparison of single image HDR reconstruction methods — the caveats of quality assessment00.342022
Direct Transmittance Estimation in Heterogeneous Participating Media Using Approximated Taylor Expansions00.342022
How to cheat with metrics in single-image HDR reconstruction00.342021
GPU Accelerated SL0 for Multidimensional Signals00.342021
Measuring Domain Shift for Deep Learning in Histopathology30.412021
Compressive HDR Light Field Imaging Using a Single Multi-ISO Sensor00.342021
Primary Tumor and Inter-Organ Augmentations for Supervised Lymph Node Colon Adenocarcinoma Metastasis Detection00.342021
A Survey Of Image Synthesis Methods For Visual Machine Learning20.382020
Visual Analysis of the Impact of Neural Network Hyper-Parameters.00.342020
Single Sensor Compressive Light Field Video Camera00.342020
Compression and Real-Time Rendering of Inward Looking Spherical Light Fields.00.342020
Compact and intuitive data-driven BRDF models10.352020
Light Field Video Compression and Real Time Rendering.00.342019
A Unified Framework for Compression and Compressed Sensing of Light Fields and Light Field Videos20.372019
Single-Frame Regularization For Temporally Stable Cnns00.342019
Foreword to the Special Section on the 23rd ACM symposium on virtual reality software and technology 2017.00.342018
OMP-based DOA estimation performance analysis.00.342018
Multi-Shot Single Sensor Light Field Camera Using a Color Coded Mask.00.342018
A Performance Guarantee for Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Using Mutual Coherence.00.342018
Synscapes: A Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Street Scene Parsing.20.372018
A comparative review of tone-mapping algorithms for high dynamic range video.80.452017
Efficient BRDF Sampling Using Projected Deviation Vector Parameterization00.342017
HDR image reconstruction from a single exposure using deep CNNs.491.222017
Procedural Modeling and Physically Based Rendering for Synthetic Data Generation in Automotive Applications.60.472017
Differential appearance editing for measured BRDFs.20.362016
Luma HDRv: an open source high dynamic range video codec optimized by large-scale testing.00.342016
Time-Offset Conversations on a Life-Sized Automultiscopic Projector Array.00.342016
The HDR-video pipeline00.342016
Adaptive dualISO HDR reconstruction70.462015
Compressive Image Reconstruction in Reduced Union of Subspaces80.652015
Photorealistic rendering of mixed reality scenes150.962015
Capturing reality for computer graphics applications.20.392015
Pseudo-Marginal Metropolis Light Transport10.382015
An automultiscopic projector array for interactive digital humans81.162015
Real-time noise-aware tone mapping140.552015
Perceptually based parameter adjustments for video processing operations10.342014
S(wi)SS: A flexible and robust sub-surface scattering shader.00.342014
Depends: workflow management software for visual effects production10.352014
A unified framework for multi-sensor HDR video reconstruction140.622014
Creating a life-sized automultiscopic Morgan Spurlock for CNNs \"Inside Man\"10.372014
HDR Reconstruction for Alternating Gain (ISO) Sensor Readout.60.412014
Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators for HDR-Video.301.172013
Unified HDR reconstruction from raw CFA data170.692013
Temporally And Spatially Varying Image Based Lighting Using Hdr-Video50.442013
Learning based compression for real-time rendering of surface light fields10.422013
Survey and evaluation of tone mapping operators for HDR video70.552013
Learning based compression of surface light fields for real-time rendering of global illumination scenes10.362013
Spatially varying image based lighting using HDR-video.00.342013
BRDF models for accurate and efficient rendering of glossy surfaces331.332012
Real-time Image Based Lighting with Streaming HDR-light Probe Sequences.30.412012
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