Univ Cagliari, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, Cagliari, Italy
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Ensuring Transparency And Traceability Of Food Local Products: A Blockchain Application To A Smart Tourism Region30.472021
An Organized Repository Of Ethereum Smart Contracts' Source Codes And Metrics10.352020
Blockchain Certification And Granular Editing Permissions In Document Management System00.342019
A Massive Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts Empirical Study and Code Metrics.20.472019
An Agent Based Model to Analyze the Bitcoin Mining Activity and a Comparison with the Gold Mining Industry.00.342019
An Agent-Based Artificial Market Model for Studying the Bitcoin Trading.00.342019
Workshop Summary: 2019 IEEE / ACM Second International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering for Blockchain (WETSEB 2019)00.342019
Empirical analysis of affect of merged issues on GitHub10.342019
Ethereum smart contracts as blockchain-oriented microservices.00.342018
113 times Tomcat: A dataset.10.372018
Survey - how much the academic startups know and use agile software and lean startup methodologies?00.342018
Angry-builds - an empirical study of affect metrics and builds success on github ecosystem.00.342018
Analysing Developers Affectiveness through Markov chain Models.00.342018
Mining Communication Patterns in Software Development: A GitHub Analysis.20.362018
Blockchain applications for agile methodologies.10.362018
Smart contracts vulnerabilities: a call for blockchain software engineering?30.502018
Re-visiting a Test Taxonomy with Refactoring and Defect-fix Data.00.342018
On measuring affects of github issues' commenters.30.392018
Smart Contracts Software Metrics: a First Study.00.342018
Connecting the Dots: Measuring Effectiveness and Affectiveness in Software Systems.00.342017
Predicting Software Defectiveness through Network Analysis.00.342015
Clustering of defects in Java software systems20.402014
Software Metrics in Agile Software: An Empirical Study.90.582014
Refactoring Clustering in Java Software Networks.00.342014
On the influence of maintenance activity types on the issue resolution time90.572014
Are Refactoring Practices Related to Clusters in Java Software?40.422014
System performance analyses through object-oriented fault and coupling prisms10.352014
Are Some Refactorings Attached to Fault-Prone Classes and Others to Fault-Free Classes?00.342014
Micro Patterns in Agile Software.100.732013
Entropy Of Some Ck Metrics To Assess Object-Oriented Software Quality10.442013
Entropy of the degree distribution and object-oriented software quality50.432012
Micro Pattern Fault-Proneness160.802012
An Empirical Study Of Software Metrics For Assessing The Phases Of An Agile Project90.672012
An analysis of anti-micro-patterns effects on fault-proneness in large Java systems60.482012
A case study of the use of Open Source CMS in Public Administrations00.342012
Refactoring and its Relationship with Fan-in and Fan-out: An Empirical Study70.462012
The fractal dimension metric and its use to assess object-oriented software quality.30.372011
An Empirical Study of Refactoring in the Context of FanIn and FanOut Coupling30.382011
An analysis of SNA metrics on the Java Qualitas Corpus20.532011
A machine learning approach for text categorization of fixing-issue commits on CVS80.562010
Assessing traditional and new metrics for object-oriented systems.171.022010
An empirical study of social networks metrics in object-oriented software100.632010
Empirical study of software quality evolution in open source projects using agile practices50.472009
An Analysis of Bug Distribution in Object Oriented Systems10.372009