Department of Information Management,Yuan Ze University, Taoyuan 32026, Taiwan, ROC
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A cluster validity evaluation method for dynamically determining the near-optimal number of clusters00.342020
Bike sharing demand prediction using artificial immune system and artificial neural network.00.342019
The application of VIKOR for the tool selection in lean management10.392019
A Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Air Quality Classification.00.342018
A multiple time series-based recurrent neural network for short-term load forecasting.20.452018
A novel ensemble decision tree based on under-sampling and clonal selection for web spam detection.00.342018
Imperial competitive algorithm with policy learning for the traveling salesman problem30.412017
Local search enhanced multi-objective PSO algorithm for scheduling textile production processes with environmental considerations.20.362017
A patent quality analysis and classification system using self-organizing maps with support vector machine.70.522016
Sustainable scheduling of manufacturing and transportation systems.00.342016
The dynamic financial distress prediction method of EBW-VSTW-SVM30.382016
A Hybrid Model Combining Soms With Svrs For Patent Quality Analysis And Classification00.342016
Artificial immune network with feature selection for bank term deposit recommendation.00.342016
A Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model combined with a support vector regression for stock trading forecasting.170.582016
A genetic algorithm for the multi-objective optimization of mixed-model assembly line based on the mental workload40.422016
A Prediction System for Bike Sharing Using Artificial Immune System with Regression Trees00.342015
A critical feature extraction by kernel PCA in stock trading model40.422015
A patent quality classification model based on artificial immune system00.342015
Harnessing consumer reviews for marketing intelligence: a domain-adapted sentiment classification approach.60.402015
Applying artificial immune systems to collaborative filtering for movie recommendation210.632015
Dynamic credit scoring using B & B with incremental-SVM-ensemble.00.342015
A linkage mining in block-based evolutionary algorithm for permutation flowshop scheduling problem50.422015
Data Analytics for Bank Term Deposit by Combining Artificial Immune Network and Collaborative Filtering00.342015
Innovation values in the radio frequency identification device industry00.342014
A comparison of five hybrid metaheuristic algorithms for unrelated parallel-machine scheduling and inbound trucks sequencing in multi-door cross docking systems.110.522014
Myocardial Infarction Classification by Morphological Feature Extraction from Big 12-Lead ECG Data.30.412014
A self-evolving artificial immune system II with T-cell and B-cell for permutation flow-shop problem100.522014
An intelligent stock trading system using comprehensive features120.572014
A block based estimation of distribution algorithm using bivariate model for scheduling problems40.412014
Application of artificial immune systems combines collaborative filtering in movie recommendation system40.422014
The stability analysis for a novel feedback neural network with partial connection.10.352013
A block-based evolutionary algorithm for flow-shop scheduling problem90.532013
Using a contextual entropy model to expand emotion words and their intensity for the sentiment classification of stock market news300.972013
Forecasting of manufacturing cost in mobile phone products by case-based reasoning and artificial neural network models150.842012
Extended artificial chromosomes genetic algorithm for permutation flowshop scheduling problems160.622012
A novel model by evolving partially connected neural network for stock price trend forecasting240.892012
A Puzzle-Based Genetic Algorithm with Block Mining and Recombination Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem.30.412012
Detecting causality from online psychiatric texts using inter-sentential language patterns.90.432012
Integrating dominance properties with genetic algorithms for parallel machine scheduling problems with setup times210.802011
EA/G-GA for Single Machine Scheduling Problems with Earliness/Tardiness Costs.30.422011
A hybrid model combining case-based reasoning and fuzzy decision tree for medical data classification501.462011
Generalized nonlinear discriminant analysis and its small sample size problems50.432011
Single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent setup times and learning effects: a parametric analysis70.502011
Density-based microaggregation for statistical disclosure control290.922010
A CBR-based fuzzy decision tree approach for database classification201.192010
Dynamic diversity control in genetic algorithm for mining unsearched solution space in TSP problems180.842010
Generating artificial chromosomes with probability control in genetic algorithm for machine scheduling problems110.552010
Database Classification by Integrating a Case-Based Reasoning and Support Vector Machine for Induction00.342010
Guidelines for developing effective Estimation of Distribution Algorithms in solving single machine scheduling problems140.612010
Atrial fibrillation analysis based on blind source separation in 12-lead ECG data10.432010
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