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ProBiS-Dock: A Hybrid Multitemplate Homology Flexible Docking Algorithm Enabled by Protein Binding Site Comparison00.342022
Discovery of Novel Potential Human Targets of Resveratrol by Inverse Molecular Docking.00.342019
BoBER: web interface to the base of bioisosterically exchangeable replacements.10.482017
GenProBiS: web server for mapping of sequence variants to protein binding sites.10.412017
H274Y's Effect on Oseltamivir Resistance: What Happens Before the Drug Enters the Binding Site.10.362016
LiSiCA: A Software for Ligand-Based Virtual Screening and Its Application for the Discovery of Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibitors.20.402015
Modeling enzyme-ligand binding in drug discovery10.372015
ProBiS-CHARMMing: Web Interface for Prediction and Optimization of Ligands in Protein Binding Sites.10.412015
Structure-based function prediction of uncharacterized protein using binding sites comparison.10.352013
Structurally Conserved Binding Sites of Hemagglutinin as Targets for Influenza Drug and Vaccine Development.20.382013
Exact Parallel Maximum Clique Algorithm for General and Protein Graphs.180.722013
Parallel-Probis: Fast Parallel Algorithm For Local Structural Comparison Of Protein Structures And Binding Sites20.422012
Correlating Protein Hot Spot Surface Analysis Using ProBiS with Simulated Free Energies of Protein-Protein Interfacial Residues.30.412012
Probis-2012: Web Server And Web Services For Detection Of Structurally Similar Binding Sites In Proteins160.712012
ProBiS-Database: Precalculated Binding Site Similarities and Local Pairwise Alignments of PDB Structures.100.562012
The Distributed Diagonal Force Decomposition Method For Parallelizing Molecular Dynamics Simulations20.402011
Probis: A Web Server For Detection Of Structurally Similar Protein Binding Sites291.222010
Protein-Protein Binding Site Prediction by Local Structural Alignment.70.532010
New all-atom force field for molecular dynamics simulation of an AlPO4-34 molecular sieve10.742008
Cluj and Related Polynomials Applied in Correlating Studies.10.452007
Protein-Protein Binding-Sites Prediction by Protein Surface Structure Conservation.141.022007
Retro-Leapfrog and Related Retro Map Operations10.412006
New force field for calcium binding sites in annexin-membrane complexes.10.502006
The Regional Biophysics Meeting March 16-20, 2005, Zrece, Slovenia00.342005
Molecular dynamics integration meets standard theory of molecular vibrations.40.852005
Symplectic Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Specially Designed Parallel Computers.40.862005
Periodic Cages00.342005
The Eighteenth International Course & Conference on the Interfaces among Mathematics, Chemistry & Computer Sciences June 23-28, 2003 Dubrovnik, Croatia00.342004
Reviews in Computational Chemistry. Volume 19 Edited by Kenny B. Lipkowitz, Raima Larter, and Thomas R. Cundari. Wiley-VCH 2003, ISBN 0-471-23585-700.342004
Improving the Performance of Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Parallel Clusters.30.782004
Enumeration of conjugated circuits in nanotubes.10.382004
Molecular dynamics integration time step dependence of the split integration symplectic method on system density.10.482003
The Complexity of Parallel Symplectic Molecular Dynamics Algorithms20.421997
Split Integration Symplectic Method for Molecular Dynamics Integration30.481997
Comparison Of Parallel Verlet And Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods For Molecular-Dynamics Integration20.411995
An Efficient Symplectic Integration Algorithm For Molecular-Dynamics Simulations60.951995
Harmonic Analysis of Large Systems. III. Comparison with Molecular Dynamics.111.791995
Harmonic Analysis of Large Systems. I. Methodology339.511995
Harmonic Analysis of Large Systems. II. Comaprison of Different Protein Models60.851995
Parallelization of an Implicit Runge-Kutta Method for Molecular Dynamics Integration51.071994
Implicit Runge-Kutta method for molecular dynamics integration92.641993