Kyoto Univ, Acad Ctr Comp & Media Studies, Kyoto 6068501, Japan
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Eliminating Temporal Illumination Variations in Whisk-broom Hyperspectral Imaging00.342022
Shape from Thermal Radiation: Passive Ranging Using Multi-spectral LWIR Measurements00.342022
Multispectral Photometric Stereo for Spatially-Varying Spectral Reflectances00.342022
Evaluating Registrations of Serial Sections With Distortions of the Ground Truths00.342021
Blind 3D-Printing Watermarking Using Moment Alignment and Surface Norm Distribution00.342021
An Optical Model for Show-through Cancellation in Ancient Document Imaging with Dark and Bright Mounts00.342021
Programmable Non-Epipolar Indirect Light Transport: Capture and Analysis10.352021
Multispectral Photometric Stereo for Spatially-Varying Spectral Reflectances: A well posed problem?00.342021
Time-resolved Far Infrared Light Transport Decomposition for Thermal Photometric Stereo.00.342021
Practical Descattering of Transmissive Inspection Using Slanted Linear Image Sensors00.342021
Blind Watermarking for 3-D Printed Objects by Locally Modifying Layer Thickness00.342020
Phase disambiguation using spatio-temporally modulated illumination in depth sensing.00.342020
Confidence-aware Practical Anime-style Colorization00.342020
Material Classification from Time-of-Flight Distortions.00.342019
Spatio-temporal Phase Disambiguation in Depth Sensing00.342019
Thermal non-line-of-sight imaging from specular and diffuse reflections00.342019
Non-rigid registration of serial section images by blending transforms for 3D reconstruction.00.342019
Practical BRDF reconstruction using reliable geometric regions from multi-view stereo00.342019
Simultaneous Reproduction Of Reflectance And Transmittance Of Ink Paintings00.342019
Graph matching based anime colorization with multiple references00.342019
Slope Disparity Gating using a Synchronized Projector-Camera System00.342019
Visibility Enhancement by Integrating Refocusing and Direct-Global Separation with Contact Imaging00.342019
Pre- and post-processes for automatic colorization using a fully convolutional network.00.342018
Reliable Planar Object Pose Estimation in Light Fields From Best Subaperture Camera Pairs.00.342018
Mathematical model for pop-up effect of ChromaDepth00.342018
Controlling translucency by UV printing on a translucent object00.342018
Acquiring non-parametric scattering phase function from a single image.00.342018
Optical tomography based on shortest-path model for diffuse surface object00.342018
Acquiring short range 4D light transport with synchronized projector camera system00.342018
Reconstruction of volumetric reflectance using spatio-sequential frequency correlation imaging00.342018
Recovering temporal PSF using ToF camera with delayed light emission.00.342017
Regression of 3D rigid transformations on real-valued vectors in closed form.00.342017
BRDF reconstruction from real object using reconstructed geometry of multi-view images00.342017
Variational Bayesian Approach to Multiframe Image Restoration.10.352017
Light path alignment for computed tomography of scattering material.00.342016
4D light field segmentation with spatial and angular consistencies50.402016
Intention-Sensing Recipe Guidance Via User Accessing To Objects20.362016
Diffraction-Compensating Coded Aperture for Inspection in Manufacturing20.352015
Pixel-wise radiometric line scanner calibration00.342015
Development And Evaluation Of Near Real-Time Automated System For Measuring Consumption Of Seasonings00.342015
How Does User's Access to Object Make HCI Smooth in Recipe Guidance?10.352014
3D Acquisition of Occluded Surfaces from Scattering in Participating Media00.342014
3d Reconstruction Of Specular Objects With Occlusion: A Shape-From-Scattering Approach10.362014
Summary for the workshop on smart technology for cooking and eating activities (CEA'14)00.342014
A method for detecting gaze-required action while cooking for assisting video communication00.342014
FlowGraph2Text: Automatic Sentence Skeleton Compilation for Procedural Text Generation10.342014
Deriving Motion Constraints in Finger Joints of Individualized Hand Model for Manipulation by Data Glove00.342013
Shape and Reflectance from Scattering in Participating Media10.362013
Workshop summary for the 5th international workshop on multimedia for cooking and eating activities (CEA'13)00.342013
Replacing a Human Hand by a Virtual Hand and Adjusting Its Posture to a Virtual Object for Its Manipulation in an AR Environment00.342013
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