Yahoo! Research, Haifa, Israel
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“Alexa, Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” Characterizing Playful Requests to Conversational Agents00.342022
Why Do People Buy Seemingly Irrelevant Items in Voice Product Search? - On the Relation between Product Relevance and Customer Satisfaction in eCommerce.20.372020
Alexa, Can You Help Me Shop?10.372019
Leveraging Crowdsourcing Data for Deep Active Learning An Application: Learning Intents in Alexa.20.362018
Product Question Answering Using Customer Generated Content - Research Challenges.10.352018
Alexa and Her Shopping Journey.00.342018
Mailbox-Based vs. Log-Based Query Completion for Mail Search00.342017
Web Mail is not Dead!: It's Just Not Human Anymore.10.352017
Mail Search: It's Getting Personal!00.342017
Promoting Relevant Results in Time-Ranked Mail Search.70.472017
The Demographics of Mail Search and their Application to Query Suggestion.70.552017
Enforcing k-anonymity in Web Mail Auditing.100.602016
Structural Clustering of Machine-Generated Mail70.512016
You've got Mail, and Here is What you Could do With It!: Analyzing and Predicting Actions on Email Messages.180.712016
Is Mail The Next Frontier In Search And Data Mining?10.352016
How Many Folders Do You Really Need?00.342016
One Query, Many Clicks: Analysis of Queries with Multiple Clicks by the Same User70.502016
Rank by Time or by Relevance?: Revisiting Email Search170.762015
You Will Get Mail!Predicting the Arrival of Future Email30.472015
How Many Folders Do You Really Need?: Classifying Email into a Handful of Categories130.612014
When machines dominate humans: the challenges of mining and consuming machine-generated web mail00.342014
From query to question in one click: suggesting synthetic questions to searchers70.502013
Threading machine generated email140.642013
Will My Question Be Answered? Predicting "Question Answerability" in Community Question-Answering Sites.150.662013
When relevance is not enough: promoting diversity and freshness in personalized question recommendation340.882013
Can You Believe an Anonymous Contributor? On Truthfulness in Yahoo! Answers90.772012
Learning from the past: answering new questions with past answers541.602012
Usage data in web search: benefits and limitations50.452012
(big) usage data in web search30.432012
When web search fails, searchers become askers: understanding the transition280.922012
I want to answer; who has a question?: Yahoo! answers recommender system391.142011
Improving recommendation for long-tail queries via templates521.312011
Web retrieval: the role of users00.342011
Predicting web searcher satisfaction with existing community-based answers291.202011
User modeling for web applications10.352011
Automatically tagging email by leveraging other users' folders180.812011
Xeena for schema: creating XML documents with a coordinated grammar tree00.342010
The new frontier of web search technology: seven challenges40.572010
Do you want to take notes?: identifying research missions in Yahoo! search pad461.512010
Current trends in the integration of searching and browsing10.372005
Third edition of the "XML and information retrieval" workshop first workshop on integration of IR and DB (WIRD) jointly held at SIGIR'2004, Sheffield, UK, July 29th, 200430.462004
Searching XML documents via XML fragments1278.192003
Leveraging Web Services for Information Discovery00.342003
Second edition of the "XML and information retrieval" workshop held at SIGIR'2002, Tampere, Finland, Aug 15th, 200230.642002
A novel navigation paradigm for XML repositories101.722002
Static index pruning for information retrieval systems11910.222001
A grammar view for editing structured documents00.342001
XML and information retrieval: a SIGIR 2000 workshop91.702001
Adding support for dynamic and focused search with Fetuccino288.031999
The shark-search algorithm. An application: tailored Web site mapping1329.301998
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