Univ Penn, Dept Radiol, Med Image Proc Grp, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
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Object recognition in medical images via anatomy-guided deep learning00.342022
Segmentation Of 4d Images Via Space-Time Neural Networks00.342020
Automatic Labeling Of Respiratory Phases And Detection Of Abnormal Respiratory Signals In Free-Breathing Thoracic Dynamic Mr Image Acquisitions Based On Deep Learning00.342020
Obtaining The Potential Number Of Object Models/Atlases Needed In Medical Image Analysis00.342020
Anatomy Segmentation Evaluation With Sparse Ground Truth Data00.342020
Auto-labeling of respiratory time points in free-breathing thoracic dynamic MR image acquisitions for 4D image construction.00.342019
AAR-RT - A system for auto-contouring organs at risk on CT images for radiation therapy planning: Principles, design, and large-scale evaluation on head-and-neck and thoracic cancer cases.10.352019
Automatic anatomy recognition using neural network learning of object relationships via virtual landmarks.00.342018
Image quality and segmentation.00.342018
Quantitative dynamic MRI (QdMRI) Volumetric Analysis of Pediatric Patients with Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome.00.342018
Auto-contouring via automatic anatomy recognition of organs at risk in head and neck cancer on CT images.00.342018
Disease quantification on PET/CT images without object delineation10.352017
Virtual landmarks.00.342017
Automatic anatomy recognition on CT images with pathology.00.342016
Quantitative normal thoracic anatomy at CT.10.362016
Lymph node detection in IASLC-defined zones on PET/CT images.00.342016
Soft Computing in Medical Image Processing.00.342016
Fat segmentation on chest CT images via fuzzy models.00.342016
Definition and automatic anatomy recognition of lymph node zones in the pelvis on CT images00.342016
Medical image segmentation using object atlas versus object cloud models00.342015
Body-wide anatomy recognition in PET/CT images10.372015
Multiple fuzzy object modeling improves sensitivity in automatic anatomy recognition10.352014
Automatic localization of IASLC-defined mediastinal lymph node stations on CT images using fuzzy models00.342014
Standardized anatomic space for abdominal fat quantification00.342014
Improving Atlas-Based Medical Image Segmentation With A Relaxed Object Search10.352014
Automatic thoracic anatomy segmentation on CT images using hierarchical fuzzy models and registration20.412014
Recognition of upper airway and surrounding structures at MRI in pediatric PCOS and OSAS10.382013
Joint segmentation of anatomical and functional images: applications in quantification of lesions from PET, PET-CT, MRI-PET, and MRI-PET-CT images.451.702013
Optimal hierarchies for fuzzy object models10.362013
Fuzzy model-based body-wide anatomy recognition in medical images40.482013
Co-segmentation of functional and anatomical images.70.562012
A unifying graph-cut image segmentation framework: algorithms it encompasses and equivalences among them50.442012
Medical image segmentation by combining graph cuts and oriented active appearance models.641.892012
GPU-based iterative relative fuzzy connectedness image segmentation10.382012
Fuzzy object model based fuzzy connectedness image segmentation of newborn brain MR images.00.342012
Global-to-local, shape-based, real and virtual landmarks for shape modeling by recursive boundary subdivision10.362011
A framework for comparing different image segmentation methods and its use in studying equivalences between level set and fuzzy connectedness frameworks80.472011
Orientation estimation of anatomical structures in medical images for object recognition00.342011
Comparison of fuzzy connectedness and graph cut segmentation algorithms120.852011
Fuzzy object modeling111.102011
The role of intensity standardization in medical image registration120.702010
Fuzzy affinity induced curve evolution00.342010
3D automatic anatomy recognition based on iterative graph-cut-ASM20.392010
Affinity functions: recognizing essential parameters in fuzzy connectedness based image segmentation10.362009
GC-ASM: synergistic integration of active shape modeling and graph-cut methods20.362009
Oriented active shape models.160.792009
Linear time algorithms for exact distance transform: elaboration on Maurer et al. algorithm00.342009
A comparison of local and global scale approaches in characterizing shapes00.342009
Cloud bank: a multiple clouds model and its use in MR brain image segmentation241.162009
nD statistical shape model building via recursive boundary subdivision00.342009
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