Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Imaging Laboratory, CNRS UPR, LENA, Université Pierre et Marie Curie–Paris 6, Paris, France
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Over the rainbow: Guidelines for meaningful use of colour maps in neurophysiology10.342021
Spontaneous network activity <35 Hz accounts for variability in stimulus-induced gamma responses.20.382020
Older adults exhibit a more pronounced modulation of beta oscillations when performing sustained and dynamic handgrips.20.372019
Interocular interaction of contrast and luminance signals in human primary visual cortex.10.632018
Reversing the Standard Neural Signature of the Word-Nonword Distinction.00.342017
High-resolution retinotopic maps estimated with magnetoencephalography.50.452017
Time-resolved phase-amplitude coupling in neural oscillations.10.352017
Cyberinfrastructure for Open Science at the Montreal Neurological Institute.10.362017
The Sources of Sequential Modulations of Control Processes in Arithmetic Strategies: A Magnetoencephalography Study.00.342017
Mutual information spectrum for selection of event-related spatial components. Application to eloquent motor cortex mapping.10.362014
Targeted reinforcement of neural oscillatory activity with real-time neuroimaging feedback.30.422014
Good practice for conducting and reporting MEG research.783.132013
Brain templates and atlases.631.712012
Diffeomorphic brain registration under exhaustive sulcal constraints.270.892011
rtMEG: a real-time software interface for magnetoencephalography.60.792011
Brainstorm: a user-friendly application for MEG/EEG analysis.1557.002011
Academic software applications for electromagnetic brain mapping using MEG and EEG.80.692011
Spectral signal space projection algorithm for frequency domain MEG and EEG denoising, whitening, and source imaging.70.612011
Phase delays within visual cortex shape the response to steady-state visual stimulation.70.632011
Tracking cortical activity from M/EEG using graph cuts with spatiotemporal constraints.10.352011
Feature detection and tracking in optical flow on non-flat manifolds10.362011
Hommage à Line Garnero. La pluridisciplinarité au cœur.00.342010
Canonical correlation analysis applied to functional connectivity in MEG71.442010
Simultaneous MEG and intracranial EEG recordings during attentive reading.231.432009
Hearing faces: how the infant brain matches the face it sees with the speech it hears.00.342009
Cortical local and long-range synchronization interplay in human absence seizure initiation.91.272009
Identification of growth seeds in the neonate brain through surfacic Helmholtz decomposition.80.722009
DISCO: a coherent diffeomorphic framework for brain registration under exhaustive sulcal constraints.90.572009
Cortical dynamics of anticipatory mechanisms in interception: a neuromagnetic study.10.502008
A two-step imaging procedure for MEG characterization of cortical currents: Location and spatial extent00.342008
Cortical flow: Investigating the spatiotemporal dynamics of the brain00.342008
Optical flow and advection on 2-Riemannian manifolds: a common framework.80.672008
Multiresolution imaging of MEG cortical sources using an explicit piecewise model.120.962007
Imaging brain activation streams from optical flow computation on 2-Riemannian manifolds.50.542007
Competitive segmentation of the hippocampus and the amygdala from MRI data: validation on young healthy controls and Alzheimer's disease patients20.542006
Multiresolution imaging of neural currents from MEG data using an explicit piecewise image model00.342006
Functional Brain Mapping With High-Temporal Resolution: Introducing "Evolutionary Activation Cells"00.342006
A comparison of random field theory and permutation methods for the statistical analysis of MEG data.395.452005
A multi-objective multi-modal optimization approach for mining stable spatio-temporal patterns10.362005
Multi-objective Multi-modal Optimization for Mining Spatio-temporal Patterns00.342005
Fusion of Simultaneous fMRI/EEG Data Based on the Electro-Metabolic Coupling20.662004
Imaging Cortical Oscillations During Sustained Visuomotor Coordination in MEG10.372004
Electromagnetic Brain Mapping using BrainStorm00.342004
Segmentation of the amygdalo-hippocampal complex by competitive region growing [MRI analysis]00.342002
A multiresolution framework to MEG/EEG source imaging.122.432001
MEG Source Imaging Using Multipolar Expansions94.351999