Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, PR China
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Two sufficient conditions for a planar graph to be list vertex-2-arborable00.342022
A sufficient condition for a planar graph to be (F, F2)-partitionable00.342022
Strong Chromatic Index of Outerplanar Graphs00.342022
Structure and pancyclicity of maximal planar graphs with diameter two00.342022
Star Chromatic Index of 1-Planar Graphs00.342022
Strict Neighbor-Distinguishing Index Of Subcubic Graphs00.342021
Tight binding number bound for P ≥3-factor uniform graphs00.342021
Plane Graphs Of Maximum Degree Delta >= 7 Are Edge-Face (Delta+1)-Colorable00.342020
Neighbor-distinguishing total coloring of planar graphs with maximum degree twelve00.342020
Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Edge Coloring Of Planar Graphs Without 3-Cycles00.342020
Light structures in 1-planar graphs with an application to linear 2-arboricity00.342019
Planar graphs with $$\Delta =9$$Δ=9 are neighbor-distinguishing totally 12-colorable00.342019
Acyclic coloring of IC-planar graphs.00.342019
List coloring and diagonal coloring for plane graphs of diameter two.00.342019
A note on the list vertex arboricity of toroidal graphs.00.342018
Planar graphs without chordal 6-cycles are 4-choosable.00.342018
Planar graphs with maximum degree 4 are strongly 19-edge-colorable.00.342018
The neighbor expanded sum distinguishing index of Halin graphs.00.342018
Edge-partition and star chromatic index.20.402018
Planar graphs without chordal 5-cycles are 2-good.10.362018
A characterization for the neighbor-distinguishing total chromatic number of planar graphs with Δ=13.00.342018
Strong chromatic index of K4-minor free graphs.00.342018
On the vertex partitions of sparse graphs into an independent vertex set and a forest with bounded maximum degree.00.342018
2-Distance Vertex-Distinguishing Total Coloring Of Graphs00.342018
2-Distance vertex-distinguishing index of subcubic graphs.10.362018
A note on the linear 2-arboricity of planar graphs.10.382017
A sufficient condition for planar graphs to be (3, 1)-choosable00.342017
The chromatic number of the square of a Halin graph with maximum degree five is six.00.342017
The entire chromatic number of graphs embedded on the torus with large maximum degree.10.362017
List vertex-arboricity of toroidal graphs without 4-cycles adjacent to 3-cycles.10.372016
A sufficient condition for a tree to be (Δ+1)-(2, 1)-totally labelable.00.342016
Rainbow cliques in edge-colored graphs.50.472016
The entire choosability of plane graphs10.372016
A (3, 1) ∗-choosable theorem on planar graphs.00.342016
The 2-surviving rate of planar graphs without 5-cycles.40.432016
Legally $$\\varDelta +2$$Δ+2-Coloring Bipartite Outerplanar Graphs in Cubic Time00.342015
The Vertex Version of Weighted Wiener Number for Bicyclic Molecular Structures.20.412015
Full Orientability of the Square of a Cycle.00.342015
A Characterization on the Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Index of Planar Graphs with Large Maximum Degree.30.472015
The adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of planar graphs231.392014
The 2-surviving rate of planar graphs without 6-cycles80.532014
Plane Graphs with Maximum Degree 6 are Edge-face 8-colorable20.382014
An improved upper bound on the adjacent vertex distinguishing chromatic index of a graph40.572014
The surviving rate of digraphs60.572014
A lower bound of the surviving rate of a planar graph with girth at least seven80.552014
Acyclic list edge coloring of outerplanar graphs.00.342013
6-Star-Coloring of Subcubic Graphs61.032013
The acyclic edge coloring of planar graphs without a 3-cycle adjacent to a 4-cycle10.352013
Acyclic Chromatic Indices of Planar Graphs with Girth At Least 4.40.412013
An improved bound on parity vertex colourings of outerplane graphs.10.352012
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